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Scientology Volunteer Minister Returns from Haiti

Clearwater, Florida—Paris Morfopoulos, best known to Downtown Clearwater visitors as the calm but cheerful owner of the One Stoppe Shoppe, just returned from a tour of duty as a Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Haiti.

A Volunteer Minister is defined by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard as “…a person who on a strictly volunteer basis helps out his fellow man by providing simple, basic counseling to people he meets to assist them in overcoming difficulties they may be having in life.” Volunteer Ministers are trained in basic Scientology techniques through the Scientology Handbook.

This is Paris’ second trip to the earthquake-damaged country. “I can tell you that there is a lot of enthusiasm and activity in helping to rebuild the shattered country and  lives of the Haitian people,” he said. “The physical infrastructure is still in shambles and the rubble seems to be largely still where it was when I was last there in February. But many, many people are pitching in and the work is going forward.”

Paris was impressed most with the spirit of the Haitian people, who despite living in makeshift tents—some as rudimentary as a bed sheet held up by four poles—greeted him and his fellow volunteers with a friendly smile.

“We were welcomed everywhere and even spent over an hour with one of Haiti’s most prominent lawyers.  He was very grateful for our assistance since the earthquake. He told us ‘After the quake, there was no hope left in Haiti. But then the Volunteer Ministers came and there was hope!’”

In the last few months since the earthquake, many thousands of people have been trained in basic Scientology techniques so they can assist their fellow Haitians.  Over 300,000 people have been helped through the Volunteer Minister program in Haiti.

“We still have Russian Volunteer Ministers actively helping at the General Hospital every day,” said Paris, who also met Volunteer Ministers from Hungary, Mexico and France.

While in Haiti, Paris also visited the Future of Haiti Orphanage, which is providing a safe environment, a stable home and a good education to 150 children who would otherwise still be roaming the streets of Port-au-Prince after their previous orphanages collapsed in the quake.

“I visited with Michela Schneider, the director of the orphanage, and the children,” said Paris. “I was very touched by their friendliness and affection. I brought a backpack full of gifts for one child, a beautiful ten-year-old girl with the very appropriate name ‘Lovely’. It made her very, very happy and she wrote a very touching letter that I brought back with me to give to her sponsor, Ericka Miranda.”

Paris encourages people to find out more about the orphanage at their website, www.thefutureofhaiti.org

As a closing note, Paris wanted readers to know that though Haiti has disappeared from the evening news, there is still much to be done in that country.

“If you would like to help, either financially or by going there and giving these people a hand, contact the Volunteer Ministers at vm@volunteerministers.org and let them know. They will help you get there. It is tough and there is much that is unpleasant to confront, but it is truly rewarding and you will fall in love with the people of Haiti.

For more information on Volunteer Ministers Haiti disaster relief visit blog.volunteerministers.org

or contact the local Church of Scientology Malmö, Angelo Boi, tel. 0738 - 705 921



Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
Scientologi-kyrkan Sverige registrerades officiellt som trossamfund av Kammarkollegiet den 13 mars 2000.

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Månskärsvägen 10 A
141 75 Kungens Kurva