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Scientology opens new National Organization for Mexico in the City of Palaces

| Mexico City, Mexico • July 10, 2010 | Led by a 30-man mariachi orchestra and colorful traditional dancers, 7,000 Scientologists and guests hailed the grand opening of the new National Scientology Ideal Organization for Mexico in the heart of Mexico City. Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, officiated the historic occasion. The ceremony marked the conclusion of a full-scale reconstruction and design of Mexico City’s Juarez Building. Directly adjacent to Mexico’s Fine Arts Palace and neighboring the National Supreme Court, the National Bank and the National Palace, it stands as a six-story contemporary cultural landmark.

Fully configured to be a physical embodiment of the religion, the building includes an extensive Public Information Center with 17 multimedia displays that presents and illustrates Scientology beliefs, the life of its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and the full array of its many social betterment and community outreach programs. In full, these displays provide a concise but panoramic view of the religion to visitors, students and others desiring to learn more about Scientology.

The new national Scientology Mexico Ideal Organization was dedicated July 10, 2010, in ceremonies attended by 7,000 Scientologists and their guests. Officiating was Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman the Board of Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, joined by civic leaders and government officials. Thousands toured the new building and its Public Information Center after the ribbon was cut and the doors opened. Describing the positive impact of Scientology organizations on the communities they serve, Mr. Miscavige addressed the assembled crowd: “Take this Ideal Organization and use it for all it is intended. “You say there is drug abuse out there? Well, you now have the wherewithal to ignite a ‘drug-free movement’ more potent than anything littered along trafficking lanes. “You say there is criminality and cruelty out there? Well, you now have The Way to Happiness to rebuild self-respect and revivify the goodness within every human being. “Then again, you say there is aching poverty and misery across this city? Well, you now have technologies for learning and literacy—from which comes prosperity and abundance.”

Also commemorating the occasion and expressing its significance to their country were leaders from diverse fields in the Mexican nation. Mr. Alejandro Rojas Dias Duran, Secretary of Tourism for the City of Mexico, stated on behalf of the city: “We are confident that Scientology Mexico will positively contribute and plant a seed of the fundamental values of humanity so that people of all ages, races and creeds can create a new future toward achieving a new civilization of peace and prosperity without criminality, violence and without drugs.” The Honorable Ricardo Guzman Wolffer, Federal Court of Appeals Judge and renowned author, expressed the importance of Scientology to the future of Mexico and the world: “Today we open the doors of this beautiful new Scientology Organization, which I see as a commitment to take L. Ronald Hubbard’s message to everyone. I am of the idea that it is through individual change that one can change the world.

This Ideal Organization gives everyone the chance to learn the truth within. It is the entrance to a new bright future.” Dr. Jesus Corona Osornio, doctor of religious philosophy and author of texts on religion and its place in modern society, addressed the role of Scientology in society: “This new Scientology Organization represents the emerging, multicultural Mexico of today. Mr. Hubbard took a very novel, revolutionary approach to spirituality. As an engineer, he employed highly precise technological tools to illuminate spiritual phenomena. The result is a definitive resolution between science and religion. In doing so, he salvaged religion. Spirituality lives in the 21st Century and in that regard, Mr. Hubbard has made one of history’s greatest contributions to mankind.” Ms. Laura Chapa, Senior Advisor for Special Education to the Federal Ministry of Education of Mexico, spoke of the solutions Scientology offers: “I believe that with the opening of this new Organization, leaders of all sectors of society will have the same realization I had: that you have the solution. And so I also believe that what will come from this new Organization is a turning point for our nation.”

In closing the dedication ceremonies, Mr. Miscavige said: “Today we cut a ribbon. And in doing so, I wish to extend my gratitude to all of you who made this moment possible, you who gave so much of yourselves to build this magnificent Ideal Organization, you who we shall not forget—not now, not ever. “While to everyone else, I cordially invite you to step across that threshold and consider what’s waiting inside. For therein lies not only all I referenced for a drug-free, crime-free, literate and prosperous Mexico, but all else to spark that revolution of the spirit for which Mexico has been waiting so long.”

Architecturally, the building features a five-story atrium, a Chapel seating hundreds, a library containing all Church Scripture, as well as a multitude of seminar rooms, film rooms and volunteer workspaces for its many social and community programs and projects—in addition to course and counseling rooms to provide Scientology training and auditing for parishioners.

Scientology missionary activities began in Mexico in the mid 1960s and the first official Scientology Association was formed in 1977. Mexico City is home to the largest community of Scientologists in Latin America. Today, its growing membership supports social betterment programs that include the largest non-governmental drug education and human rights education programs in Latin America. To make the Scientology religion more accessible, in the past two years the Church has provided the full library of its Founder’s books to public libraries and universities throughout the country. Scientology Mexico is the fifth new Ideal Organization of Scientology to open in 2010.

On January 23 this year, the Brussels branch of Churches of Scientology for Europe was opened in Belgium; the Church of Scientology of Quebec was dedicated January 30; the Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre of Las Vegas opened February 6; and the new Church of Scientology of Los Angeles opened April 24.

In the past three years, new Churches of Scientology have opened in world cultural centers, including: the Founding Church of Scientology in Washington D.C.; the Church of Scientology of Rome, Italy; the Church of Scientology of Malmö, Sweden; the National Church of Scientology of Spain, in Madrid’s Neighborhood of Letters; the Church of Scientology of New York, just off Times Square; the Church of Scientology of San Francisco, in the original historic Transamerica Building; the Church of Scientology of London, at the city’s epicenter; the Church of Scientology of Berlin, near the Brandenburg Gate; the Church of Scientology Las Vegas, Nevada; the Church of Scientology Nashville, Tennessee; and the Church of Scientology of Dallas, Texas. Another seven new Churches of Scientology are scheduled for completion before the end of 2010. Worldwide, there are more than 8,500 Scientology Organizations, Missions and affiliated groups in 165 countries.




Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
Scientologi-kyrkan Sverige registrerades officiellt som trossamfund av Kammarkollegiet den 13 mars 2000.

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

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141 75 Kungens Kurva