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Scientology Official Calls for Government/Community Cooperation to Attack Drug Abuse

LOS ANGELES — Speaking to a coalition of anti-drug activists Tuesday night at the new Church of Scientology of Los Angeles in Hollywood, the Reverend Robert Adams pointed to establishment of the Interagency Working Group on Demand Reduction established by the White House Office of Drug Control Policy (the “Drug Czar”) as a positive step, and called for similar interaction at regional, state and local level.

A spokesperson for Church of Scientology International, Rev. Adams said that despite billions poured into “the drug problem” by governments, meaningful demand reduction will only come about “by involving everyone and bringing on all solutions, starting with education. No single group or government can do it alone, but together we can rid our communities of drugs in a single generation.”

He reminded the audience that “Drug proliferation is all about money and exploiting people who have false information or no information about drugs. So the first step is to broadly distribute the truth about drugs, to empower individuals with the knowledge of what drugs really are and what they really do to the body, mind and spirit.” L. Ron Hubbard has forwarded the fact that spiritual progress is not possible in the presence of drugs.

Adams said, “It is exactly at that point that ‘demand reduction’ kicks in—when individuals decide for themselves that drug use is not for them.”

The Church of Scientology has conducted community-based drug education programs for more than 20 years, reaching millions with factual information about drugs internationally through distribution of The Truth About Drugs booklet series, drug awareness events, media, Internet sites, mailings, billboards and award winning educational videos and films.



Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
Scientologi-kyrkan Sverige registrerades officiellt som trossamfund av Kammarkollegiet den 13 mars 2000.

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Månskärsvägen 10 A
141 75 Kungens Kurva