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Los Topos and the Volunteer Ministers of Mexico Provide Disaster Response Training

November 29, 2011

The Los Topos team digging for survivors.Los Topos team with Japanese fire fighters in Kesenuma, Japan.

Los Topos members flew in from Mexico to assist after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in the area.

Los Topos, the famous search and rescue group of Mexico, and Volunteer Ministers Armando García and Dr. Sandra Ramirez are holding series of seminars in first aid and Volunteer Minister disaster response techniques at the Church of Scientology of Mexico, Balderas No. 27, Centro Historico, Del Cuautémoc, Mexico D.F.

“Los Topos” means the moles—the name given to the group by their fans for their heroic feats, burrowing under collapsed buildings to pull survivors out of the rubble. Their official title, Tecnicos en Urgencias Medicas, Seguridad y Rescate 19 de Septembre (Emergency Medical Technicians, Security and Rescue of September 19), comes from their work on that date om 1985 when a magnitude 8.1 earthquake killed some 9,500 and left 100,000 homeless in the Mexican state of Michoacan. 

Los Topos and the Volunteer Ministers joined forces in Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake, and have worked together this year in Christchurch, New Zealand and Northeastern Japan after the devastating earthquakes in those regions.  The Los Topos staff are trained in Scientology Volunteer Minister technology and use it liberally in their work.

For more information:

Ád Vulto

(Sweden) 0738 - 76 86 35




Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

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