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The theme for this year’s Day of Peace was “Peace=Future”.

All speakers and attendees at the 2010 UNESCO Day of Peace celebration, held on 21 September 2010 in the Conference Facilities of the Church of Scientology in Malmö, came to the conclusion that there is one target that will make peace now and in the future possible: education.

The evening opened with a showing of the award winning video “UNITED”. The story, in the form of a rap song, tells about a boy being bullied by some youngsters but who musters up the whole world in joining him to make his message to the leader of the bullies very clear: by demonstrating greatness he becomes friends with the leader and so create peace.

Mr. David Songotu from Ghana and D/President of the Students Corps of the UN World Maritime University in Malmö, was very clear in his inspirational speech on the creation of peace amongst people; that it takes hard work and sacrifice in the present to make peace in the future a reality. He underpinned his statement with the fact that in the Maritime University, with its diversity of nationalities and cultures, this tolerance and understanding has been made a fact for years now and so, the students take this reality with them when they return to their country.

In order to brief on the coordinated actions of religions in creating a peaceful environment in Malmö the representative of the Malmö Interfaith Forum called “Faith and Tolerance”, Buddhist Dharmavajra, informed the audience about the history of this forum, its actions over the years and the current activities. Representatives from more than 15 different religious denominations meet regularly at this forum to make peace a fact.

Other speakers were Mrs. Hanne Hemmingsholt of Applied Scholastics and Carolyn Murphy, headmistress of Amager International School in Copenhagen. Together they presented the solution for creating understanding, tolerance and calmness for students by using the Study Technology of L. Ron Hubbard, together with the educational materials of the Youth for Human Rights campaign. With over 20 different nationalities in school and a majority of the students being Islamic, this school is known in Copenhagen for its tolerance, actual integration and highest ranking in successful graduating students each year.

A representative of Islamic Study Association Ibn Rushd explained in her speech that the very word “Islam” means “Peace” and that this is the message that the Islam has to give to the world.

The last speaker of the evening was 13 year old Alexa Bossova of Youth for Human Rights Malmö, co-organizer of this event. She briefed the audience on the purpose of Youth for Human Rights, which is to educate young people on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To underline this she read all 30 points of this Declaration.

The evening was concluded with showing of the 10 minutes long, popular video “The Story of Human Rights”.

As foresaid, there was a general agreement reached at the end of the evening that education is the entrance point for the creation of peace now and in the future. Attendees were very happy with the program as presented and looked forward on further activities of this kind.

On that count it was announced that the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology in Malmö is preparing a day-long event in Malmö on the International Human Rights Day, 10 December 2010. This event will involve different organizations and at the same time intends to mobilize artists to back up this initiative.


For more information about the Youth for Human Rights campaign or to order materials-free of charge:


For more information about the United for Human Rights campaign or to order materials-free of charge:



For contacting the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology in Malmö, contact:

Ad Vulto

Tel. 0738 – 768635





Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

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Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
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