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AMS came out yesterday with a prognoses for 2012. The unemployment in Skåne will raise.

It is not necessarily all black but it would help to have a few stable data regarding work to bring order in this confusion.

There are a few stable data regarding unemployment and work here. Firstly, people in general want to work. Secondly,  those who govern certain areas of responsibility should do everything they can to create work and help those who want to create work for others.

70% of our time we spend on work, 10% on family, 10% on politics and 10% on relaxation.

Now people might have wrong concepts of what work is to begin with. They might not know how to communicate to an employer so they never come to an agreement about work. Or they had a job they were not able to keep it because it was too tiring, too stressful and so the decision was made that everything was better than to work. Hence unemployment.

The book “Problems of Work”, written by L. Ron Hubbard, analyzes work for what it is and comes up with fundamental principles and laws, applicable to all problems of work. It not only contains the technology to obtain stability at the workplace but also gives magical processes to regain happiness in your life. Because work is life.

The Church of Scientology delivers a 3,5 hour long course called “The Personnel Efficiency Course” based on the “Problems of Work” book. This course has been delivered successfully and has helped people to regain joy in their work.

For more information:






Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-640 0681

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Den första Scientologi-kyrkan i Sverige etablerades i Göteborg 1968, vilket markerar början på Scientologins närvaro i landet. Kyrkan har med tiden vuxit till ett religiöst trossamfund som inte bara tjänar sina medlemmar. Den bidrar också till det svenska samhället med utbildningsprogram om mänskliga rättigheter, drogprevention, moraliska värderingar och hjälp när naturkatastrofer uppstår. Den är aktiv i interreligiös dialog och samarbete.
Scientologi-kyrkan Sverige registrerades officiellt som trossamfund av Kammarkollegiet den 13 mars 2000.

Scientologi-kyrkan i Stockholm

Månskärsvägen 10 A
141 75 Kungens Kurva