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Wizards of the Square Tablet goes live March 28th

The long awaited Wizards of the Square Tablet will hit market on March 28th.
- I can't wait to see the players reactions to this game. We've been working on it for over a year together with Paradox Interactive, and we're all excited to finally get it out there, says Joel Nyström, CEO of Ludosity, in Gothia Science Park, Skövde.

Wizards of the Square Tablet features the innovative and dynamic spell casting system from the critically acclaimed PC hit.
- Wizards of the Square Tablet brings those lovable robed Wizards to your iPad or Android tablet. Now you can bring them with you wherever you go, in a brand new campaign set before the original tale of Magicka, says Joel Nyström.
Touch, tap, poke, and prod your way through the new campaign by yourself, or “accidentally” obliterate your friends in multiplayer co-op, which supports up to four players.
Play together with fellow mages across multiple platforms, which may co-exist in the same game session thanks to a twisted union made possible by dark sorcery!
- Cast your spells across multiple levels, and unlock new powers unique to the mobile Magicka experience. Experience the humor and chaos of this satirical fantasy world, and don’t worry too much if your tablet isn’t exactly a square. You´ll have a great time, says Joel Nyström.

More Info
If you need more information please contact Joel Nyström, CEO Ludosity, or +46 704-27 09 81. Yo can also visit


  • Företagande


  • utveckling
  • skövde
  • ludosity
  • innovation
  • entreprenörskap
  • magicka


  • Skåne

Kort om Gothia Science Park
Gothia Science Park är en teknik- och forskningspark med IT-profil. Den består av verksamheter, processer, miljöer och individer. I vår innovationsmiljö växer företag snabbare och mer uthålligt vilket bidrar till såväl regional attraktivitet som regional tillväxt. GSP:s fokusområden är kopplade till Högskolan i Skövde med spets inom Simulering, Beslutsstöd samt Spel för underhållning och lärande.


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