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What would you do if you were the last robot on Earth? You'd surf of course!

Swedish game developer Pieces Interactive is releasing a brand new game – Robo Surf – for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. With simple one-touch controls, cute graphics and great music Robo Surf is a gem of a game!

Skövde, Sweden – June 1st, 2011. Robo Surf is a fresh new game where the player controls the last robot on Earth who loves to surf. Avoid obstacles and defeat bosses to surf as far as you can on the vast seas of Earth. Robo Surf is loaded with achievements to unlock and secret characters from various indie games to discover! The game is available in the Apple App Store and Android Market as of today’s date.
“Robo Surf if easy to get in to, as one would expect from a casual game. But I wanted it to still be crammed with gamey stuff, such as the bosses, to appeal to core gamers as well. That’s something I myself often miss in games like this,” says Pieces Interactive Game Director Mårten Brüggemann.
Pieces Interactive has previously released Puzzlegeddon for PC, iPhone, Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network and Fret Nice for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.
New brand - Bitsize Games
Robo Surf is the first game to be released under Pieces Interactive’s new brand, Bitsize Games. Games under this brand are high-quality, fun games with a unique twist, optimized for smart phones and web sites and for players of all ages.
“As new platforms emerge and new players find the joy of games on their new devices, we want to offer something unique and fresh in the mobile jungle. With Bitsize Games we can give the players a brand to return to for great games!” – says Pieces Interactive CEO Johan Hellberg.

Special pricing
Robo Surf is available for $0.99/€0.99 for a limited time only on Apple App Store and Android M
rket. The price after the launch window is $1.99/€1.99 on Apple App Store and $0.99/€0.99 on Android Market.

Follow Pieces on Twitter!
For trailers and more information, check out

For more info, please contact:
Johan Hellberg, CEO
+46 709729373


  • Företagande


  • ipad
  • utveckling
  • the game incubator
  • skövde
  • puzzlegeddon
  • pieces interactive
  • entreprenörskap
  • dataspel
  • iphone
  • android


  • Skåne

Sweden Game Arena
Pieces Interactive is part of the Sweden Game Arena.
Sweden Game Arena is a unique environment in Sweden. It combines research, education, incubation and enterprise to form the hub of the Nordic video games industry and thereby help entrepreneurs stay ahead of the game.
Sweden Game Arena is located at Gothia Science Park and the University of Skövde. Welcome.

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