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Triolith Entertainment releases Chapter Two of MEGATROID

Skövde, Sweden – September 12, 2012: Swedish mobile developer Triolith Entertainment released their third game Megatroid on August 1. Now they are releasing the second chapter of its sci-fi space adventure for iOS and Android.

Game Director Malte Johansson states: "Finally, we can proudly present Chapter Two of MEGATROID to our past, present and future players! The game has come a long way since its first inception and we're already working on the next big update which we think will increase replayability a whole lot! We are sure that Chapter Two will provide a challenge that will keep players busy for quite a while and we hope they will have as much fun experiencing the new chapter as much as we have had making it!"

Apart from more than doubling the estimated game time by adding 10 more character levels and 3 new bosses, Triolith Entertainment has worked hard to increase the visual and mechanical variety of the game as well as adding requested improvements. The official feature list is as follows:

  • 10 more character levels (level cap 20)
  • 3 new bosses
  • Customizable controls
  • 3 new environments
  • 3 new enemy types
  • 6 new music tracks
  • Various New weapons and armor
  • Improved variety during stages
  • Improved performance

About Triolith Entertainment: Triolith Entertainment is a young Swedish mobile games developer founded by ex-students of the computer games development programs at the University of Skövde. The company has previously released Wisp: Eira's Tale on both iOS and Android where it earned astounding praise for its setting and style.

Triolith Entertainment:
MEGATROID iTunes Link:
Google Play Link:


  • Företagande


  • utveckling
  • the game incubator
  • skövde
  • innovation
  • inkubator
  • entreprenörskap
  • dataspel
  • triolith
  • megatroid
  • företagsinkubator


  • Skåne

Kort om Gothia Science Park
GOTHIA SCIENCE PARK ligger i anslutning till Högskolan i Skövde. I teknik- och forskningsparken finns entreprenörer, som utvecklar och säljer tekniska, tjänste- och marknadsinnovationer, men också aktörer för företagsutveckling.
När start-ups, tillväxtföretag och FoU-företag blandas med finansiärer och forskare stimuleras kreativa möten. Den fysiska miljön är fullt ut integrerade med processer och arbetsmetoder vilket skapar ökat idéflöde, utvecklingsprojekt, företag i nya branscher samt ökad samverkan mellan näringsliv, akademi och samhälle.

IT och teknik för utveckling av system och applikationer
IT som teknologi för verksamhetsstöd, t.ex. inom produktion, vård och energi


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