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Thunder BANG released on Android Market

Skövde, Sweden, April 1st 2011Triolith Entertainment, a company founded by graduated students of the Computer Games Development Program at the University of Skövde, are releasing their first game, Thunder BANG, for the Android Market.
The game puts a heavy emphasis on action, reaction and speed. Main character and socially awkward super hero Thunder BANG has to defeat the hordes of incoming enemies using only his thunderous fists of justice! The player has to swipe the screen in four different directions to attack; one direction for each enemy.

Silliness and simplicity
Thunder BANG makes no effort to hide its silliness and simplicity; rather, the developers have embraced the over-the-top presentation reminiscent of 90’s show Power Rangers and similar shows. An embrace which is most prevalent in the game’s theme song: a catchy tune written and performed by one of the developers.
The game is released in two versions: Lite and Full. The Lite version is free to download so players can check out the game before they decide to buy it.

The Full version features:
 Six levels in Story Mode
 Boss fights
 Comic-style storytelling between levels
 Endless Mode, the ultimate test of a hero’s endurance

Multi-talented company
Along with this release, the music featured in the game will also be available for listening/purchase at BandCamp. Triolith Entertainment is a multi-talented company and its developers aren’t limited to making games; music is also a part of their creative process! Fans that decide to purchase and download the full album will also be treated with guitar tabs, wallpapers and developer comments!

Android Market:


  • Företagande


  • dataspel
  • entreprenörskap
  • the game incubator
  • utveckling
  • triolith entertainment
  • högskolan i skövde
  • game
  • thunder bang
  • företagsinkubator


  • Skåne

Orättvisa fördelar för framgångsrikt företagande
GSP Inkubator - för dig som vill utveckla din idé till ett företag. Vi hjälper dig med allt från arbetsplats till affärsutveckling och finansiering så att du kan fokusera på rätt saker och ge din idé en ärlig chans. GSP Inkubator ligger i Gothia Science Park, ett stenkast från Högskolan i Skövde och fem minuter från Resecentrum. I vår Inkubator finns en nationellt ledande specialsatsning på dataspel - The Game Incubator.
GSP Inkubator, liksom Gothia Science Park, drivs och utvecklas av Gothia Innovation AB.

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