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The Game Incubator Network Bringing Sweden’s Best Developers to Light

Recent Reverb Publishing signee Coffee Stain Studios discovered through innovative and successful program

Skövde, Sweden – May 10, 2012 – With the hopes of fostering good relationships with young videogame developers and helping build their collective talent into something the industry must take note of, the Swedish government has funded The Game Incubator Network, a national cooperation that hosts development start-ups in order to aid them with their intellectual properties. The program is implemented by Gothia Innovation AB and located at Gothia Science Park in Skövde. One of the members leading up this effort is Nichlas Dunham, a former head of major development studios Starbreeze and Grin, who oversees getting potential new developers help with business development, sales and legal consultation, development technology support, and much more.
Resounding success
“I’m so proud to be involved with The Game Incubator Program, as it is without question one of the most useful programs available to young Swedish game developers,” said Dunham, Business Developer at the incubation project at Gothia Science Park, a leading Incubator system for game developers. “The government here in Sweden is very proactive when it comes to the videogame industry, and myself and the rest of the incubator leads are looking forward to producing the next round of development superstars to prove to them that this program is a resounding success.”
Besides the National Gaming Centre at Gothia Science Park, there are seven incubators in the program: Blekinge Business Incubator in Karlskrona; Gamecubator in Falun; Minc in Malmö; Innovatum in Trollhättan; Uminova Innovation in Umeå; LEAD in Linköping and Norrköping; and Science Park Gotland in Visby.
Coffee Stain Studios
The program itself has been around for nearly a decade, but Gothia Science Park is the first incubator to have actual AAA game development experience, as Dunham oversaw the launches of such blockbusters as The Chronicles of Riddick and several iterations of the Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter franchise during his tenures at Starbreeze and Grin, respectively.
One of the more notable development studios to work through The Game Incubator Program has been Coffee Stain Studios, the team behind the tower defense/first-person shooter Sanctum, which has been extremely well-received both critically and commercially on Steam.
Signed on with Reverb
With help and guidance from Gothia Science Park and The Game Incubator Network, Coffee Stain Studios not only released a vastly successful genre-bending title to the market, but they have also signed on with digital publishing experts Reverb Publishing to further boost marketing and expand their franchise to consoles with the coming sequel Sanctum 2!
With well over two dozen development teams in the seven incubators, The Game Incubator Network is poised to make more news in the very near future. For more information on the program itself, please visit

Media Contact
Jerry Whitehead III
Reverb Publishing

About Gothia Science Park and The Game Incubator Network
Gothia Science Park was awarded “The European Enterprise Award” being one of the most innovative environments in Europe for businesses and entrepreneurs. Gothia Science Park, managed and developed by Gothia Innovation, is also considered one of the leading incubators in Sweden.
There are now more than 70 companies and research centers in Gothia Science Park, together employing approximately 700 people in areas such telecom, life science and information technology with a niche in Computer and Videogames.
Gothia Innovation also heads the national network of The Game Incubator Network - a collaboration between 8 incubators providing outstanding support for computer and video games start-ups. The Game Incubator is Sweden’s foremost talent factory in the field of computer game development. In less than five years, operations have expanded to include more than two dozen studios and projects developing games for fun as well as games for training.


  • Design


  • coffe stain studios
  • sanctum
  • the game incubator network
  • the game incubator
  • skövde
  • innovation
  • inkubator
  • entreprenörskap
  • dataspel
  • digital publishing
  • företagsinkubator


  • Skåne

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