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King partner to Sweden Game Conference

Sweden Game Arena is proud to present King as partner to Sweden Game Conference, October 20-21, in Skövde, Sweden.
- Sweden Game Conference offers a great opportunity to meet some of the best talent in Swedish games industry, says Benjamin Glaser at King.

- With King as a partner this year we are taking next step forward with our international conference, says Magnus Ling, spokes person.

The partnership with King brings extra focus on Defold. Developers and other participants will get the chance to look deep into and get hands-on tips regarding the free game engine for 2D games. Defold solves some of the technical issues many developers have in common when making games, and in that way, people using it can focus on being creative and building great games.

- When participating in game jams, meet-ups and conference within the games industry we want to contribute to an exchange of both knowledge and experience. Also, thats why we have released parts of our internal technology completely free for all to use in the form of the game engine Defold, says Benjamin Glaser.

And that will be very useful during the Open Game Jam being organized in conjunction with the conference, Ocotber 22-23.

About Sweden Game Arena
Sweden Game Arena is a platform and ecosystem for the acceleration of the game industry in Game City Skövde, in Göteborg and the West Sweden Region. We are in the unique position to encompass the entire value chain, from education and business to research and development. In the Arena, there are more than 600 game students at the Game Development Degree Programs at the University of Skövde and Folkuniversitetes Yrkeshögskola, more than 40 researchers and lecturers, about 350 employees in more than 50 game companies in Skövde and Göteborg as well as a significant number of business developers.

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  • Företagande


  • king
  • sweden game conference
  • sweden game arena
  • skövde
  • dataspel
  • utveckling
  • teknik
  • defold
  • arena skövde


  • Skåne

Kort om Gothia Science Park

Gothia Science Park är en teknik- och forskningspark med IT-profil. Den består av individer, verksamheter, miljöer och processer. I vår innovationsmiljö växer företag snabbare och mer uthålligt vilket bidrar till såväl regional attraktivitet som regional tillväxt. GSP:s fokusområde är IT och är kopplat till Högskolan i Skövde med spets inom dataspel, simulering, beslutsstöd och virtual engineering. GSP drivs och utvecklas av Gothia Innovation AB.

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