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Enchanting Wisp to charm iOS with Nordic harmony

Skövde, Sweden – June 14, 2011 Swedish indie developer Triolith Entertainment is making a backwards journey compared to other developers, as it’s taking its popular title Wisp from Android to Apple iOS. The game will be released to the Apple Appstore on June 15, 2011.

Wisp aims to captivate the player with beautiful forests and enchanting music inspired by Nordic tradition and folklore.
Eira, a wisp of the forest, is lost and the player must help her find her way home. The journey won’t be without danger though: in the forest lies the ancient and bleeding creature Fáfnir. His blood seeps from his wounds and out into the forest where it gains a life of its own; corrupting and defiling the surrounding woods and any life it comes in contact with. Eira has to avoid being consumed, while solving the mysteries ahead of her.
30 levels in full version
The full version of Wisp comes with 30 levels, achievements and a captivating soundtrack. The developers also plan to release downloadable levels with new challenges and settings.
Wisp has garnered several reviews on Android, all positive towards the game and its unique presentation and Triolith Entertainment hopes to take its march of success over to iOS.
 “It’s hard to get mad at this game simply because it’s so soothing and relaxing just to play much of the time.” (
"Has a style of it´s own"
“It’s a definitely a unique game, and it has a style all its own. The soundtrack got my attention pretty quickly it fits the game to a tee; they really did a nice job with the music.” (
“It’s common that music in mobile gaming takes a backseat to the graphics, but Wisp has an excellent soundtrack. The entire game takes on a lighthearted ethereal feel, and the music backs that up in a big way. It’s folksy and heavy on wind instruments. Make no mistake, Wisp has style in a way few other games do.” (


Requests for promo codes or Android APK please contact us:
Triolith Entertainment AB
Email: Phone: +46-733-408005
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  • Företagande


  • utveckling
  • the game incubator
  • skövde
  • inkubator
  • entreprenörskap
  • dataspel
  • företagsinkubator


  • Skåne

Triolith Entertainment är ett av de talangfulla teamen i GSP Inkubator, en satsning för dig som vill utveckla din idé till ett företag. GSP Inkubator hjälper dig med allt från arbetsplats till affärsutveckling och finansiering så att du kan fokusera på rätt saker och ge din idé en ärlig chans. GSP Inkubator ligger i Gothia Science Park, ett stenkast från Högskolan i Skövde och fem minuter från Resecentrum. I vår Inkubator finns en nationellt ledande specialsatsning på dataspel - The Game Incubator.
GSP Inkubator, liksom Gothia Science Park, drivs och utvecklas av Gothia Innovation AB.,

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