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Computer game conference was a success

Skövde: Simply put, Swedish Game Conference in Gothia Science Park, Skövde was a big success. This is the verdict of some 200 participants, international speakers and organizer.
“We are enormously satisfied with the reactions on the conference . We have certainly given Skövde a well-deserved name in the video game business, both nationwide and internationally”, Per-Arne Lundberg states.

He is responsible for the computer game development in GSP Inkubator which now is starting to yield tremendous results. Starting in 2000, the computer game industry in Skövde has been built up from nothing to become a full arena with all the necessary ingredients in place.
“In the last six years we have provided 15 startups within video games with the best possible conditions. These enterprises today occupy around 100 people. They have launched games on virtually all consoles and platforms, including PC and iPhone. In several cases this has been done in collaboration with international publishers that are impressed by the talent and skills of Swedish developers, not to mention the existing business support”, states Per-Arne Lundberg. He is also, through The Game Incubator and GSP Inkubator, in charge for Innovationbrons’ nationwide efforts on startups in video games. 

Business development
This means in short that GSP Inkubator offers business development support for some additional ten startups around the country; Umeå, Falun, Linköping, Trollhättan, Malmö, Blekinge and Gotland.
The Game Incubator has hired and appointed a number of trade specialists who will support the startups all around Sweden. These are experts in among other things international trade, law, new markets, and financing.
One major reason that 15 of 26 startups take place in Skövde is the investment that the University of Skövde is making towards video games. The university has close to 400 talented students divided into three computer game programs and in addition a master’s education in serious games as well as research within entertainment games and games for training and education. 

Exciting speakers
The investment of the university as well as GSP Projektarena’s cluster campaign Gaming for Excellence, is also the setting for the successful first edition of Swedish Game Conference having tracks for both entertainment games as well as games for training and education.
“It is clear that we managed to attract very competent and intriguing speakers. Directly and indirectly, they represented Electronic Arts, Activision, Capcom, Microsoft and Nokia. The fact that they have travelled from Canada, USA, France and England shows their great interest and commitment in our venture”, says Per-Arne Lundberg, who also adds that there were participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. 

The conference was a great success
“The discussions between speakers and audience did not end with the workshops in connection with lectures - the participants in the conference also took the opportunity to converse with the speakers during breaks and during the dinner which completed the event. We are very pleased with the outcome of this convention and we have received much praise, both from speakers and attendees. We will certainly continue with a new conference in 2011”, Per-Arne Lundberg promises.

Lineup of speakers: Stefan Lampinen, Speltjänst, Adam Boyes, Beefy Media, Tabitha Hayes, Electronic Arts, Craig Howe, Rocket XL, Tom Russo, Steve Mahaley, Duke CE, Stefan Tengblad, University of Skövde, Wissam Kahi, Act3Gaming and Patrick Prax, University of Uppsala.



  • Företagande


  • entreprenörskap
  • dataspel
  • konferens
  • kanada
  • usa
  • internationella gäster
  • the game incubator
  • skövde
  • inkubator
  • företagsinkubator


  • Skåne

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