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Coffee Stain Studios debutes on iPhone

Coffee Stain Studios is very excited to announce that I Love Strawberries for the iOS is being published by Atari. The game is now available on the App Store. I Love Strawberries features physics berry gathering action in a colorful world of blocks. Get those Strawberries and beat the highscore!
"We are very proud that Atari enters the iOS market with I Love Strawberries as it's first product. We believe that I Love Strawberries will be loved by a huge audience. Who doesn't love Strawberries anyway?" says Anton Westbergh, CEO of Coffee Stain Studios.
I Love Strawberries is the first official title released by Coffee Stain Studios and is a mile stone in the company history.
"We look forward and aim to provide you with many more great games in the coming years.  For now, rush to App Store and grab your copy of I Love Strawberries", sais Anton Westberg.

Coffee Stain Studios is one of 15 teams in The Game Incubator in Gothia Science Park, Skövde.

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  • iphone
  • itunes
  • app store
  • atari
  • coffee stain studios
  • dataspel
  • entreprenörskap
  • skövde
  • utveckling
  • the game incubator
  • inkubator


  • Skåne

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