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Schaeffler has improved its score from “A-” to “A” on both climate change and water security. The company has been recognized by the global not-for-profit environmental organization CDP for its leadership in environmental disclosure and performance.
Schaeffler has improved its score from “A-” to “A” on both climate change and water security. The company has been recognized by the global not-for-profit environmental organization CDP for its leadership in environmental disclosure and performance.

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CDP score – Schaeffler achieves “A” for performance on climate change and water security

  • For the first time, Schaeffler has made it onto CDP’s A-list for performance on climate change and water security
  • Score puts Schaeffler among top one percent of participating companies
  • Schaeffler Group earns recognition for environmental transparency
  • CDP score is an endorsement of Schaeffler’s sustainability strategy

Arlandastad | December 14, 2022| The Schaeffler Group has been recognized by the global not-for-profit environmental organization CDP for its leadership in disclosure and performance relating to climate change and water security. Schaeffler has improved its score from “A-” to “A” regarding both climate change and water security, an achievement that puts it among just a handful of the companies analyzed as part of the scoring process to have achieved “A” status in two categories. In total, data from more than 18,700 companies were analyzed and disclosed. CDP runs the world’s largest environmental disclosure database. Once each year, it collects data on the CO2emissions, climate risk profiles and reduction targets and strategies of companies all around the world. “This outstanding result for Schaeffler sends an important signal to our stakeholders, who pay close attention to CDP scores,” said Schaeffler CEO Klaus Rosenfeld.

Environmental leadership is an ongoing journey
Making it onto the A-list is the hardest transition to achieve in the CDP scoring system and is a feat managed by very few companies. “This shows that we are on the right track with our sustainability focus as part of our Roadmap 2025,” Klaus Rosenfeld said. “Having said that, we know that we still have a long way to go, and that implementing our sustainability strategy in the current environment will continue to pose a significant challenge.” Schaeffler’s pleasing CDP performance also reflects ongoing improvements in the company’s environmental data collection, greater integration of climate considerations into its business processes, and transparent reporting.

Climate-neutral supply chains by 2040
Schaeffler achieved the latest CDP score due to a number of factors, including its target of achieving climate neutrality in its supply chain by 2040, its embrace of the opportunities posed by e-mobility, and the actions taken under its 2021 energy efficiency program. CDP also looked favorably upon the fact that all electricity used at all of Schaeffler’s sites in Europe came from renewable sources. This year, for the first time, the climate change questionnaire also included a module on biodiversity. The score awarded in the water category is based on a range of factors, including selected water-related measures implemented by Schaeffler in 2021, a detailed description of the company’s management processes for water-related risks, and the inclusion of water among the performance targets for the short-term, variable component of management compensation. The use of climate scenario analysis was also taken into account.

Gold standard for environmental transparency
The CDP scoring system is regarded worldwide as the gold standard in corporate environmental transparency. In 2022, over 680 investors with over US$130 trillion in assets and more than 280 major purchasers representing over US$6.4 trillion in procurement spend called on thousands of companies to disclose their environmental data through the CDP platform. CDP uses detailed and independent methodologies to assess each participating company, awarding scores from A to D- based on the level of detail and comprehensiveness of the company’s disclosures, the company’s recognition and management of environmental risks, and its demonstration of best practices in environmental stewardship in combination with leadership on environmental matters, as evidenced by steps such as committing to ambitious targets.

Full details of the Schaeffler Group’s commitment to sustainability are available in its latest sustainability report:

Schaeffler has improved its score from “A-” to “A” on both climate change and water security. The company has been recognized by the global not-for-profit environmental organization CDP for its leadership in environmental disclosure and performance.

Image: CDP

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Schaeffler Group är en globalt verksam leverantör till fordons- och tillverkningsindustrin och har i mer än 75 år tillhört pionjärerna med banbrytande uppfinningar och utvecklingsarbete inom rörelseteknik och mobilitet. Med sina innovativa tekniska lösningar, produkter och tjänster inom CO₂-effektiv drivning, elmobilitet, Industri 4.0, digitalisering och förnybar energi utgör Schaeffler en tillförlitlig partner för företag som vill göra rörelseteknik och mobilitet effektivare, intelligentare och hållbarare. Schaefflergruppen levererar precisionskomponenter och system för drivlinor och chassin liksom rullningslager- och glidlagerlösningar för ett stort antal industriella applikationer. Under 2021 kunde företagsgruppen redovisa en omsättning på 13,9 miljarder Euro och är med sina cirka 83 000 medarbetare ett av världens största familjeägda företag. Med fler än 1 800 patentansökningar 2021 var Schaeffler enligt tyska patent- och registreringsverket DPMA det tredje mest innovativa företaget i Tyskland.


Linda Brandelius

Linda Brandelius

Presskontakt Manager Communication, Branding and Marketing Nordic and Baltic

Schaeffler Group – We pioneer motion

Schaeffler Group har drivit fram banbrytande uppfinningar och utvecklingar inom området rörelseteknologi i över 75 år. Med innovativa teknologier, produkter och tjänster inom elektrisk mobilitet, CO₂-effektiv drivning, chassilösningar, digitalisering och förnybar energi är företaget en pålitlig partner för att göra rörelse mer effektiv, intelligent och hållbar – under hela livscykeln. Schaeffler beskriver sitt omfattande utbud av produkter och tjänster inom mobilitet med hjälp av åtta produktfamiljer: Från lagerlösningar och alla typer av linjära styrsystem till reparations- och övervakningstjänster. Schaeffler har omkring 120,000 anställda på cirka 250 platser i 55 länder och är ett av världens största familjeägda företag och ett av Tysklands mest innovativa företag.

Schaeffler Nordic

Charles Gata 10
195 05 Arlandastad

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