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The international dance group Quick Style visits Sara kulturhus in September.
The international dance group Quick Style visits Sara kulturhus in September.

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International dance group Quick Style makes a unique visit to Sara kulturhus

This fall, Sara kulturhus will elevate Sweden's event offerings to a whole new level when the international dance group Quick Style visits Skellefteå. With their hip-hop-influenced performances, the group has amassed a massive following on social media and become one of the biggest names in their genre. Audiences can look forward to September 27th when the Oslo-based dance trio makes their only stop in Sweden on the main stage at Sara kulturhus.

– We are incredibly pleased to offer our audience a dance show unlike anything we've seen before. Quick Style is one of the biggest dance groups in the world right now, often described as a live Tik-Tok event. The group's only performance in Sweden at Sara kulturhus also coincides with Kulturnatta, so the audience in Skellefteå can look forward to an entire evening of cultural experiences," says Sofia Andersson Lundberg, Program Director.

About Quick Style
Quick Style represents a way of living, thinking, and inspiring. Their unique dance style is influenced by various cultures and heavily impacted by the hip-hop genre. The group was founded in 2006 as Quick Crew by Suleman Malik, Bilal Malik, and Nasir Sirikhan. They grew up in Oslo and spent much time in youth clubs, where they discovered the art of dance and decided to pursue it.

In 2006, the boys won a local cultural competition for youth and qualified for the national finals, where they took home first prize in the form of a scholarship. Since then, the group has won several Norwegian championships, placed second in the European championships, and become world champions twice (2008 and 2010) in the hip-hop genre.

Quick Style also won "Norske Talenter" in 2009 and simultaneously signed an artist contract with Sony Music. Their spectacular dance numbers have also made a significant impact on YouTube with a vast number of views, creating international success and tours around the world. Their success has been particularly prominent in Asia, where Quick Style now collaborates with a Korean record label to create choreography within the K-pop music industry.

Tickets for Quick Style’s performance at Sara kulturhus will be released on Friday, June 7th at 10:00 AM via sarakulturhus.se, ticketmaster.se, and Skellefteå Tourist Center.




Mitt i centrala Skellefteå står Sara kulturhus. En mötesplats för dig och mig som andas mod och viljan att tänka nytt. Här blandas kultur med konferenser och event i ett hus som är byggt för framtiden och fyllt med hållbara lösningar. Den 20 våningar höga byggnaden väver samman stadens långa tradition inom träbyggande med den senaste ingenjörskonsten, vilket också gjort huset till en förebild inom hållbar design och konstruktion.


Sofia Andersson Lundberg

Sofia Andersson Lundberg

Programchef Sara kulturhus +46 72-402 04 44

Sara kulturhus

Mitt i centrala Skellefteå står Sara kulturhus. En mötesplats för dig och mig som andas mod och viljan att tänka nytt. Här blandas kultur med konferenser och events i ett hus som är byggt för framtiden och fyllt med hållbara lösningar. Den 20 våningar höga byggnaden väver samman stadens långa tradition inom träbyggande med den senaste ingenjörskonsten, vilket också gjort huset till en förebild inom hållbar design och konstruktion.