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Sanofi to present new clinical data, including results from the investigational new insulin U300, at the American Diabetes Association 73rd Scientific Sessions

Sanofi announced today that clinical data highlighting the company’s ongoing commitment to advancing diabetes care will be presented at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 73rd Scientific Sessions in Chicago, USA. In total, more than 60 abstracts representing new data sets on Sanofi diabetes drugs, investigational drugs or medical devices are part of the official scientific program.

ORIGIN Results on Lantus® Cardiovascular Safety Integrated Into European Union Product Label

Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) announced today thatthe Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency(EMA) has issued a positive opinion for inclusion in the Lantus® (insulin glargine) product label of safety and efficacy data from the insulin glargine cardiovascular (CV) outcomes trial ORIGIN(Outcome Reduction with Initial Glargine INtervention).

Sanofi får positivt utlåtande från CHMP för Lyxumia® (lixisenatid) för behandling av vuxna med typ 2-diabetes

Sanofi meddelade idag att kommittén för humanläkemedel (CHMP) vid Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten (EMA) har utfärdat ett positivt yttrande där man rekommenderar godkännande av Lyxumia ® (lixisenatid) en gång dagligen för behandling av vuxna med typ 2-diabetes för att uppnå glykemisk kontroll i kombination med orala glukossänkande läkemedel och/eller basinsulin.

New data from ORIGIN Shows Lantus® use is about 3 times more likely to achieve and sustain target HbA1c vs. standard care over 5 years in the study population

Paris, France – October 5, 2012 – Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) today announced new results from the landmark ORIGIN trial showing treatment with Lantus® was approximately 3-fold more likely to achieve and maintain target glycemic levels, defined as HbA1C < 6.5% in this analysis, vs. standard care in individuals with pre-diabetes or early type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk.

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Sanofi är ett av världens ledande läkemedelsföretag

Sanofi är ett globalt, innovativt läkemedelsföretag


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