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Photo: iStock / Natali_Mis

West Sweden life science community takes leading role in prestigious European initiative to accelerate implementation of precision medicine

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Sahlgrenska Science Park and Business Region Göteborg (BRG), in collaboration with Region Västra Götaland and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, have taken leading roles in the prestigious PRECISEU project. This European initiative aims to connect innovation ecosystems across Europe to efficiently advance towards truly personalized healthcare.
The PRECISEU project is

Sahlgrenska Science Park welcomes Mats Hellström as new Lab Manager for Health Innovation Labs™

Sahlgrenska Science Park welcomes Mats Hellström as new Lab Manager for Health Innovation Labs™

Sahlgrenska Science Park is excited to announce the appointment of Mats Hellström as Sahlgrenska Science Park's new Lab Manager. With this addition, Sahlgrenska Science Park extends its commitment to provide value-adding support for entrepreneurs, researchers and clinicians to accelerate their research in the newly opened Health Innovation Labs™ on Medicinareberget in Gothenburg.

A lab

Launch of HackHERHealth, a femtech innovation hackathon

West Sweden’s life science community collaborates to launch HackHERHealth, a trailblazing femtech innovation hackathon

The gender health gap is real. Women have higher rates of sick leave than men, are more affected by mental illness, and have been historically underrepresented in medical research.
This gender health gap must be reduced and completely eradicated. To address this societal problem and generate concrete solutions to solve it, Sahlgrenska Science Park, GoCo Health Innovation City, AstraZeneca, and

Sahlgrenska Science Park

Medicinaregatan 8A
413 46 Göteborg