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Park Annual 10

Park Annual 10

Tid 9 September 2010 11:30 – 17:00

Plats Park Annual will be held in Wallenbergsalen, Medicinaregatan 20A, starting at 13.00 pm, registration starts at 11.30 am.

REGISTRATION FOR PARK ANNUAL SEPTEMBER 9 2010 Park Annual is arranged by Sahlgrenska Science Park and will invite researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, companies and Nordic investors for an afternoon on the theme of Life Science. About 300 delegates will participate. This year we will present four new ‘start-up’ companies and four specific service providers conected to life science companies. Isofol Medical and Nordic Health Economic Research are two of the companies that will introduce themselves during the seminar. We will also listen to Managing Director Mats Lundwall from Cellartis, he will tell us about the lastest development and achievement at Cellarts. We will also listen to Professor Michael Nilsson, FoUU director, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, who will give his views on research and innovation within the University Hospital. Our moderator is Mr Mikael Vilkas, currently CEO at Brewhouse Incubator AB. Park Annual is free of charge. Please register by e-mailing your name, affiliation, address and telephone number to patrik.hammar@sahlgrenskasciencepark.se If you need more information please contact Gunilla Bökmark, +46 31 741 17 07 or by email Gunilla.bokmark@sahlgrenskasciencepark.se Welcome, Gunilla Bökmark CEO Sahlgrenska Science Park AB



Lizelotte Edvinsson

Lizelotte Edvinsson

Presskontakt Communications Manager 0705-334243
Sahlgrenska Science Park

Medicinaregatan 8A
413 46 Göteborg