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NASA, let’s send a condom into space!

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NASA, let’s send a condom into space!

The time has come for NASA to send a condom to space. Several objects that represents humanity has allready been sent into infinity. The condom should be next since it is one of the most significant inventions of all time: it actually saves lives.

Today it’s World Contraception Day - a day dedicated to contraceptives that give humans the option to decide if and when to have kids, one of the most important decisions a person can make. The condom might look simple, but it is the single contraceptive that offers protection against both unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. It is also the only contraceptive available for men.

More than 225 million people still lack contraceptives world wide. The shortage is closely interlinked with poverty, norms surrounding sexuality and lack of political efforts. Every year almost 300.000 girls and women die due to complications related to pregnancy, delivery or unsafe abortions. More than 1.000.000 humans die from AIDS-related illnesses annually.

Access to contraceptives, on the other hand, is closely linked to greater gender equality, educational attainment and even economic development. When more people get to decide if and when to have children, they stay in school, their economy improves and they give birth later in life with less health risks.

RFSU, the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, has made a video as an open letter to NASA to explain why sending a condom into space is such a great idea. We call it the Swedish Space Condom. Our hope is that the video will go viral and that many will sign our petition to NASA. If NASA sends a condom to space more people will speak about this simple, but life saving invention. This is our small contribution to put contraceptives higher on the political agenda.

Let’s send a condom to space!

Click to watch the video to NASA!

Click to sign the petition to get NASA to launch The Swedish Space Condom here.

Click for further information about the project

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RFSU stands for condoms and other products, sexual information, advocacy, sexual policies, clinics, information provision in schools and much more. We are a non-profit organisation independent of party politics, the unions and religion that works for an open, positive view of sex and relationship issues. We believe that everyone is entitled to be what they want to be, to choose to live as they want and enjoy what they want. We are convinced that sex and relationships are important, both for the individual and society. We work locally (e.g. with information provision in schools), nationally (e.g. by influencing policies) and internationally (e.g. in the form of development projects in Africa).


Matilda Ström

Matilda Ström

Presskontakt Pressansvarig/Press Officer Ansvarar för pressfrågor kring RFSU:s ideella och sexualpolitiska arbete i Sverige och internationellt. 076-160 33 07

Lust, liv och lika värde

Vårt ansvar – att förändra liv

Att förändra och förbättra människors liv har varit RFSU:s drivkraft sedan starten och är det fortfarande.

Genom sexualupplysning, utbildning och opinionsbildning vill vi slå hål på fördomar, bota kunskapsbrist och öka den sexuella hälsan, i Sverige såväl som internationellt. Säkra preventivmedel, lagliga aborter och sex på ens egna villkor är fortfarande inte självklart överallt.

När du köper våra produkter, blir medlem, samarbetspartner eller på annat sätt stödjer RFSU:s arbete är du med och bidrar till fortsatt förändring av människors liv.

RFSU - Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning

Medborgarplatsen 3, plan 10
102 67 Stockholm