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Rexel continues its active portfolio management with two acquisitions and a disposal

Press Release January 30, 2023

As part of its Power Up 2025 plan, Rexel announces today three transactions, two acquisitions in North America
and the divestment of its activities in Norway, further strengthening the Group’s portfolio.

    The acquisition of Buckles Smith Electric Company in the USA was signed and closed on January 5, 2023. A
    recognized industrial automation player and authorized reseller of Rockwell automation solutions, Buckles Smith
    reinforces Rexel’s expertise, footprint and customer relationship capabilities in the San Francisco Bay area. The
    combination of both companies will allow them to accelerate development in a high growth and technologyoriented area. Buckles Smith operates 6 branches and generated 2022 sales of c. USD150m.

    The acquisition of Lineman’s Testing Laboratories in Canada was signed and closed on January 17, 2023. This
    company expands Rexel Canada’s footprint in the attractive utility market with a set of services, products and
    solutions that will be a valuable complement to Rexel’s portfolio. Lineman’s Testing Laboratories operates 2
    branches and generated sales of c. CAD 25m in 2022.

    Rexel also announces the signing of the divestment of its operations in Norway to Kesko on January 27, 2023.
    Rexel’s activities in Norway, generating sales of approximately €250m in 2022, were less profitable than Group
    average and presented less strategic and value creation potential for the future. The completion of the
    transaction is subject to the approval of Norway’s competition authority.

    The three transactions combined will be accretive in year 1 to Rexel’s profitability, earnings, and Return On
    Capital Employed (ROCE). They are fully in line with the Power Up 2025 strategic roadmap announced in June

    Since January 1, 2021, through 10 transactions including those announced today, Rexel has acquired c. €1.5bn
    of sales and divested c. €0.5bn of sales, materially enhancing the Group’s growth and profitability profile and
    reinforcing its capabilities to address the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition and electrification

    Ludovic DEBAILLEUX +33 1 42 85 76 12 ludovic.debailleux@rexel.com

    Brunswick: Thomas KAMM +33 1 53 96 83 92 tkamm@brunswickgroup.com


    Rexel är marknadsledande energiteknikdistributör som erbjuder material för elförsörjning i alla typer av byggnader, såväl inom tung industri och kraftbolag som i kommersiella fastigheter och helt vanliga svenska hem. Rexel driver utvecklingen i sin bransch mot ett energieffektivt och fossilfritt Sverige med teknik och tjänster inom till exempel energieffektivisering, solceller och elbilsladdning. Genom sin butikskedja servar de hela Sveriges elinstallatörer. Flera av butikerna erbjuder dygnet-runt-öppet 24/7.


    Charlotta Schönberg

    Charlotta Schönberg

    Presskontakt Presskontakt 072-5621349

    Välkommen till Rexel Sverige AB!

    Rexel är en expert inom professionell distribution av produkter och tjänster för elbranschen. Koncernen vänder sig till tre huvudmarknader – bostäder, kommersiella fastigheter och industrier och hjälper våra kunder genom att erbjuda ett skräddarsytt och skalbart utbud av produkter och tjänster. Vi har gjort ett aktivt val att ta täten inom förnybar energi och miljövänliga lösningar som energieffektiviserar Sverige. Vi är experter på modern teknik för smartare fastigheter. I Sverige är vi ca 800 medarbetare på 60 filialer runt om i Sverige.

    Rexelkoncernen finns på fler än 1900 platser i 24 länder har drygt 26 000 anställda. Rexel är noterat på Euronext Paris.

    Rexel Sverige AB

    Box 103
    125 23 ÄLVSJÖ