Nyhet -

Medieanalysbranschen redovisar stark tillväxt - förtroendet väntas fortsätta öka under 2015

Nyheten kommer direkt från den internationella branschorganisationen AMEC, där Retriever är fullvärdig medlem. Den årliga kongressen äger rum i Stockholm nästa vecka 3-4 juni med Retriever som huvudsponsor. Det finns möjlighet att träffa företrädare för AMEC på plats, kontakta Retrievers pressansvarig Ioanna Lokebratt, tel 076 000 10 30 för mer information. 

Measurement industry reports growth story success
- confidence growth will continue during 2015

LONDON, 28th May, 2015 – A new industry study from the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC), reveals a bullish picture of growth prospects, with 74% of AMEC members reporting stronger revenue growth than 12 months ago.

AMEC members are also confident the growth story will continue in the coming year, with almost a quarter forecasting growth in excess of 10%.

The World Media Intelligence & Insights study is the most comprehensive overview of firms engaged in the media intelligence sector on a worldwide basis. A member response rate of 80% was achieved in this year’s study.

The study also shows that recent industry consolidation in the media intelligence sector on a worldwide basis is thought to create more opportunities than pose threats.

Most AMEC members expect the recent wave of consolidation in the measurement industry to either generate new business opportunities (48%), or have no impact on business (29%). The majority of AMEC members believe their business is well-placed to cope with the consequences of consolidation (70%). Only 12% feel that industry consolidation poses any level of threat to their business.

The majority (64%) also think the recent level of consolidation will continue in the coming year.

In another key finding, measurement is now being taken seriously by more PR firms than ever before.

The study showed that 86% of PR firms now recognise the importance of measurement and analytics, compared with 72% a year ago. Four out of five AMEC members believe PR consultancies are increasingly building measurement services into their overall client offer.

The vast majority of PR agency members (89%) within AMEC also agree that measurement has been identified as a key business priority for their firm in the coming year.

A key finding of this year’s study is that measurement is taken seriously by more PR firms than ever before.

AMEC’s plan to develop a new suite of integrated metricsthis year was also seen as being of significant importance, with 71% of respondents agreeing it will help to cut through the confusion about metrics which exists in the marketplace.

The metrics initiative will be to be a major feature of AMEC’s International Summit in Stockholm in June, is seen as a key step to finally making measurement a fundamental part of every PR programme (55%).

Jeremy Thompson, Chairman of AMEC and CEO of Gorkana Group, said: “I was pleased to see the real confidence from company leaders supported by the knowledge that media measurement is now being seen by business leaders as a must-have in their fight to build and protect corporate and brand reputation.”

“We were also pleased to see the strong support in the survey for AMEC’s new initiative to simplify metrics.”

Phil Lynch, Co-Chair of the joint AMEC Business Development & Professional Development Committee, said: “We have seen strong growth over the past year and the latest AMEC study delivers a tangible business benefit by giving clear guidance on future trends. Excitingly, our data confirms that there are numerous opportunities for AMEC to support the sector’s growth through its commitment to education and professional standards”.

Robert Söderling, CEO of Retriever with offices in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, said: “The findings of the global study is to a large extent applicable to Scandinavia. We face an increased demand for media evaluation overall but are even more pleased to see that our clients ask for how measurement and evaluation could help to drive change and to achieve business goals, hence creating business value.”

Other key results of the study are:

Two in three AMEC members agree that clients and stakeholders are putting increasing emphasis on insights gleaned from monitoring media (65%).

The rapid growth in social media measurement activity continues, with 73% of AMEC member companies reporting an increase in their social media measurement business.

  • There was strong support for AMEC’s work in education, with 95% agreeing that AMEC has a critical role to play in educating the market about the importance of measurement through its Global Education Programme; and 77% wanting AMEC to play an active role in educating the market on the importance of measurement.
  • Half of all members (50%) agree that access to content is now a major issue in the countries they work in – a similar proportion to the 2014 survey (52%).
  • More than one in four client-facing AMEC members say that all/a majority (27%) of their clients still insist on an AVE score. The survey shows that demand for AVEs is strongest in particular geographies, including Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East

AMEC is presenting the 7th International Summit on Measurement in Stockholm on 3rd/4th June, 2015. More than 200 representatives from measurement companies and PR agencies from 31 countries are expected to agree on industry-wide metrics and measurement techniques. To register go to http://amecinternationalsummit.org.

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About AMEC
AMEC is the world’s largest trade body representing communications research, measurement and insights. AMEC has over 140 members in 40 countries, including top global PR Groups, Government departments and Non-Profit organisations.

For further information contact:
Barry Leggetter, CEO, AMEC +44 7748 677504 or +44 1268 412414


  • amec


Ioanna Lokebratt

Presskontakt Pressansvarig, Medieanalytiker +46 760 00 10 30

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Världens största medieanalyskongress i Stockholm

Snart är det dags för världens största internationella branschevenemang för mätning och utvärdering av kommunikation i media. Kongressen ”AMEC International Summit on Measurement” går av stapeln den 3-4 juni i Stockholm och Retriever är stolt huvudsponsor.