Reach more customers with third party distributors.

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Reach more customers with third party distributors.

Retain24 opens up for great opportunities for exposure, sales and marketing of gift cards, also outside of your own chain of stores. With our business partners we can offer new and more efficient points of sales, through physical stores or online. You can reach many more customers, heighten the awareness of your brand, and increase sales by letting others expose and sell your gift cards.
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Innehållet får laddas ner, användas och delas i olika mediekanaler av t.ex. journalister, bloggare, krönikörer, opinionsbildare etc., i syftet att förmedla, redogöra för och kommentera ert pressmeddelande, inlägg eller information, så länge innehållet används oförändrat och i dess helhet. Upphovsmannen ska anges i den omfattning och på det sätt god sed kräver (vilket bl.a. innebär att fotografer till bilder nästan alltid måste anges).
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Claudio Simatovic

Presskontakt CEO +46 (0)708 445 123

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Reach more customers with third party distributors.

Retain24 opens up for great opportunities for exposure, sales and marketing of gift cards, also outside of your own chain of stores. With our business partners we can offer new and more efficient points of sales, through physical stores or online. You can reach many more customers, heighten the awareness of your brand, and increase sales by letting others expose and sell your gift cards.