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Smart Solar Roof on the roof of Fiskarhedenvillans house model "Lysglimt"
Smart Solar Roof on the roof of Fiskarhedenvillans house model "Lysglimt"

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Raymond selected as Red Herring Top 100 Global 2022

After much consideration, the Red Herring judging panel has announced its Top 100 Global Winners, recognizing the leading private companies from North America, Europe, and Asia. This year Raymond is chosen as one of the winners for its rapid growth and class-leading Smart Solar Roof.

–Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by no means a small feat this year said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. –After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of candidates from across the globe to the Top 100 Winners. We believe Raymond with Smart Solar Roof embodies the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. Raymond should be proud of its accomplishment as the competition was very strong.

Smart Solar Roof has eliminated challenges that solar roofs have today with a number of innovations and patent that showcase world leading technology specifications. Mattias Hansson, CTO at Raymond is very proud over Raymond´s recognition as one of Red Herrings Global Top 100-lista.

–The recognition is further proof that our solar roof is seen as world-leading. Earlier this year, Raymond also won the Solar Energy Award "Installation of the Year 2022" with the concept house VillaZero, which has been developed by the house manufacturer Fiskarhedenvillan.

–Raymond will shortly begin its international expansion with the goal of becoming the world's largest manufacturer of solar roofs, Mattias Hansson concludes.

About Red Herring:

Red Herring’s Top 100 Global list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising companies and outstanding entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Skype, Salesforce.com, YouTube, and eBay would change the way we live and work. Thousands of the most interesting and innovative companies have graced the Top 100 list over the years.

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Raymond is the solar energy company with a calling – to make solar energy easier, prettier and for everyone. Through in-house developed solutions, the highest durability performance is combined with smart and stylish assembly. And self-assembly ensures long-lasting quality. The transition to sustainable energy cannot wait - and neither does Raymond.

Raymond was founded in 2018 by entrepreneurs and engineers Mattias Hansson, Daniel Magnergård and Anders Eriksson. Raymond develops and sells innovative products in solar energy for the Nordic climate with a focus on performance, design, durability and guarantees. Raymond won the Red Herring European Top 100 2020 and Red Herring Global Top 100 2022. Raymond also won the Solar Energy Award for solar installation of the year 2022 with Fiskarhedenvillan's house; VillaZero.

Raymond offers comprehensive solutions for villas, condominium associations and companies.

www.raymondsolar.com (www.gruppsol.com)


Maria Thylén

Maria Thylén

Presskontakt Head of Marketing & Events Sverige 0722-121257


Raymond Solar är solcellsbolaget med ett kall – att göra solenergi mer lönsam, effektiv och estetisk för alla. Genom egenutvecklade lösningar förenas högsta hållbarhetsprestanda med smarta och stiliga montage. Och genom egen montering säkerställs kvalitet som håller i längden. Omställningen till hållbar energi låter inte vänta på sig – och det gör inte Raymond heller.

Raymond grundades 2019 med fokus på att utveckla och sälja innovativa solcellsprodukter inom solenergi för nordiskt klimat med fokus på prestanda, design, hållfasthet och garantier. Raymond blev vinnare av Red Herring Europé Top 100 år 2020 och Red Herring Global Top 100 år 2022. Raymond vann även Solenergipriset; Årets Solcellsanlänggning 2022 med Fiskarhedenvillans hus; VillaZero och Solenergipriset 2024 och Årets Byggnad 2024.

Raymond erbjuder helhetslösningar för villor, bostadsrättsföreningar och företag. Vi genomför alltid en förstudie på plats och följer Länsförsäkringars checklista (Faktablad 27) för godkänd solcellsinstallation som genomförs av våra egna installationsteam.



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