Budapest’s Cube on human rights will be inaugurated in Kungsträdgården, September 1

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Budapest’s Cube on human rights will be inaugurated in Kungsträdgården, September 1

30 cubes with the human rights have been allocated to 30 schools around Sweden and abroad. Amongst Kölcsey Ferenc High School and József Attila High School in Budapest. This school year the students have worked with the right to “The right to asylum and “The right to not be discriminated”. The students have interpreted the human rights and decorated the inside of the cubes.
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Johanna Westien

Presskontakt Tillförordnad GS fr.o.m. 1/12 2018 T.f. Generalsekreterare 072-210 77 47

Martina Högberg

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Lisa Gawell

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Budapest’s Cube on human rights will be inaugurated in Kungsträdgården, September 1

30 cubes with the human rights have been allocated to 30 schools around Sweden and abroad. Amongst Kölcsey Ferenc High School and József Attila High School in Budapest. This school year the students have worked with the right to “The right to asylum and “The right to not be discriminated”. The students have interpreted the human rights and decorated the inside of the cubes.