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Blockhomes by Sprinkle initiates digital nature university in Africa

Today, the mankind is faced a new paradigm that will change the thinking patterns and behaviors. The mankind has evolved from living in an agricultural society to industrial society and is now on the threshold of the global and digital society, when climate issues, sustainable economy and social development top the agenda.

The need for housing, access to food, energy in combination with the internet and efficient financial systems will be crucial for the future society all over the world, as well as the need for education in these matters. The nature, mankind and digital society are linked together to form a sustainable eco-system – Sprinkle Digital Nature.

Burundi has seen the need for a new approach to economic activity and today this small East African country has decided to meet the new economy and its knowledge requirements. Blockhomes is now planning to launch "Sprinkle University" in Kabonga, Burundi.

The focus in Sprinkle University will be on sustainable economics and entrepreneurship, technology development and communication in today's global digital society. The fact that Blockhomes now also develops human resources through education has received strong support as it will make the area a model for the whole country.

Both the national and regional government are very positive about this. Qualitative education is needed in Burundi, especially to be designed to create both jobs and development. Belief in the future, ingenuity and the will to develop are at the top but a lack of modern economic education, stable electricity, international financing and reliable internet connection puts obstacles in the way.

- Blockhomes is very proud to assist to solve these factors in Kabonga. Combined with a modern economic education in sustainable economics and blockchain technology, we hope to create a really positive example for the future in Burundi, says Oliver Donovan CEO Blockhomes.

Sprinkle Media AB

PO.BOX 5109
SE-102 43 Stockholm
Stockholms län

Relaterade länkar


  • Ekonomi


  • africa
  • burundi
  • sprinkle university
  • sprinkle
  • börsen
  • raise reach
  • fastigheter
  • fastighet
  • emission
  • sprinkle digital nature
  • education
  • social development
  • sustainable economics

Sprinkle Media works with media communication that is related to raising capital, real estate market and entrepreneurship. Through board representation, our knowledge, our network and our financial strength, we work to help companies become industry leaders. We use the raisereach investment platform to offer services such as issues, real estate investments and crowd funding.

Relaterat innehåll

Sprinkle introducerar Digital Nature och startar Sprinkle University

Sprinkle utvärderar trender i omvärlden och första avslutade roadshowen i Sverige genom att introducera Digital Nature och Sprinkle University. Människan står idag inför ett nytt paradigm i samhällsutvecklingen som förändrar tankemönster och beteenden.
Människan har utvecklats från att leva i ett jordbrukssamhälle till industrisamhälle och står nu på tröskeln till det globala och digitala samhä