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In a well-equipped laboratory, Proton Technology test and document properties of coatings. Materials investigations is an area,  which is rapidly growing.
In a well-equipped laboratory, Proton Technology test and document properties of coatings. Materials investigations is an area, which is rapidly growing.

Nyhet -

Proton Technology, an independent laboratory for corrosion testing

Basically, all components have some kind of protective coating or treatment. Proton Technology is an independent laboratory, specialized in corrosion testing, materials investigations, failure analysis and training.

– The methods we are using show a good agreement with what is found in the field for automotive applications. That is probably the main reason why we are among the main actors on the corrosion test methods we are using, Göran Holmbom, senior Adviser at Proton Technology says. With partners such as Scania, Volvo and IKEA, the laboratory is a well renown name. The methods are accredited through Swedac which guarantees integrity and secrecy.

– In our well-equipped laboratory, we test and document properties of coatings. We assess whether the coatings fulfil the requirements of the standards issued by our end-customers and if they fail we consider the type of failure mode, Göran Holmbom states and he continues:

– In a failure mods analysis we start with trying to create an image of history of the part. The starting point must be what we actually know and not what we believe we know. To our aid, we have an experienced staff and equipment such as scanning electron microscope, optical and stereo microscopes. Materials investigations is an area, according to Göran Holmbom, which is rapidly growing.

– There is more under the surface that you may expect, we examine the structure of coatings and the base material and we measure the coating thickness. The development in the nanotechnology areas also results in the introduction of new materials such as hydrophobic, water repellent nano-coatings. As we grow, most likely, we will be able to be more active in the development of new test methods.

Since basically all components are coated, Göran Holmbom's opinion is that with knowledge and experience the risk for excessive cost in a later stage is considerably reduced.

- The design engineer often looks to strength and/or cosmetic design, when the coating is not considered in the design process, the risk for different kind of traps being built into the design is increased. If the coating system does not fulfil the requirements due to these traps, it can be very costly to repair. Both knowledge and test procedures of the coatings is required through the whole chain from the drawing table, the coater and the purchaser.

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Emma Ohliw

Emma Ohliw

Presskontakt Marknads- och kommunikationschef Proton Group Proton Group +46761674069

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