Pressemitteilung -
Gas processing contract in Stockholm awarded to Schmack Carbotech
Biogas fuel for 5000 Swedish cars
Essen (22th July, 2014) - Schmack Carbotech has been awarded the contract to construct a plant with a processing capacity of 2000 Nm3/h in raw biogas in Sofielund Huddinge, Stockholm. Gas with a methane content of 97 percent after purification will be produced for use as a biofuel in vehicles powered by natural gas. The acceptance of and demand for environmentally friendly technologies are very high in Sweden: Forty percent of newly licensed cars are operated either with biogas or electricity. The biofuel is renewable and has an even CO2 balance.
The processing plant uses the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) principle. This leading process distinguishes itself with low energy consumption, efficient heat extraction and a high methane yield. Trace gases that are typically found in biogas made from waste water and organic waste are effectively removed as well.
After completion, the plant will produce biogas with an energy yield of nearly 100 million kilowatt hours annually This means it can supply approximately 5000 vehicles travelling an average of 20,000 km per year. The city of Stockholm is therefore increasing its proportion of bio-methane to 50 percent starting in 2015. Organic waste and fryer grease from the region will be used as raw material for the plant.
Supply capacity: up to 1410 Nm3/h bio-methane. The plant is expected to be completed and put into operation in the first quarter of 2015.
The Viessmann Group is a leading international manufacturer of heating technology systems. Founded in 1917, the family company has around 11,400 employees with group sales of EUR 2.1 billion. Viessmann has an international presence with 27 production companies in 11 countries, sales companies and representations in 74 countries and 120 sales branches worldwide. 55 percent of sales are generated abroad.
Schmack Carbotech
Schmack Carbotech GmbH is considered a biogas processing pioneer in Europe, and is one of the leading suppliers of complete systems for biogas supply projects. The pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process developed by Carbotech itself features high quality and low energy consumption. Active in the biogas segment since over 30 years, the company has been a member of the Viessmann Group since January of 2010. Carbotech also offers integrated gas purification and gas production process solutions for nitrogen, hydrogen, landfill gas and synthetic gas.
Contact Press:
Schmack Biogas GmbH
Petra Krayl
Tel: +49 (0) 9431 / 751-285
Schmack Carbotech GmbH
Tel: +49 (0) 201 / 50709 300
- Petroleum, Öl, Gas
- biogas
- cars
- automobil
- sweden
- viessmann
- contracting
- biofuel
- vehicles
- germany
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