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Possio identifies Secure Mobile Digitalization as major source for business process efficiency - launch Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service

Imagine scanning a paper document on the road, when and where it is signed, sending it safely over the mobile network to a pre-defined receiver with acknowledgement that delivery went fine and in a minute have it delivered to the right person anywhere in the world. Documents are traceable, users can be authenticated and the receiver don't have to digitalize the document before next action. Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service enables quicker and more predictive business processes.

Milan, May 13: Today Possio launch its first offering in the Secure Mobile Digitalization category. With Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service users can scan paper documents anywhere and transfer them securely to pre-defined email addresses. The scanner collects data from when the document was scanned and attach it to the document for routing, authentication and traceability. Scanners are managed remotely and use an encrypted connection for secure data transfer.

Digital documents are cheaper, faster and environmentally better to deal with than paper documents and they can be automatically dealt with in applications of all sorts. The Internet enabled swift distribution of digital documents and PC's with scanners became a normal way to digitalize paper documents in offices and homes. Scanning companies introduced large scale scanning services and the smartphones enabled mobile scanning by use of the embedded camera and distribution over the mobile network or Wi-Fi. But one important need has not yet been fulfilled: secure mobile digitalization. 

Many documents in business are critical for completion of processes - a signed delivery note is needed for invoicing, a signed bank note for completion of a transaction, a signed agreement for completion of a deal and a signed prescription to acquire serious medicine in a drug store. Such documents need to be taken care of with relevant security. Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service is the first secure mobile scanning service in the world. 

"More than 20 years of mobile fax business have given us excessive experience in field document management in segments like transportation, healthcare and emergency", says Rickardh Gärdström, CEO at Possio. "With our patent pending RSP architecture for secure mobile digitalization implemented as a robust global cloud based service, Possio once again brings a new innovative easy-to-use solution to the market" continues Mr Gärdström. 

Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service addresses the need to digitalize a paper document on the go and send it securely to pre-defined receivers. These documents are typically sent via traditional mail, courier or fax today but in many cases collected and brought manually to the office. Regardless of method it often adds many days or even weeks to processes. In some cases the documents can't be read or never even arrives. If and when the paper document arrives it often has to be scanned into a digital document for further processing. Imagine scanning the document when it is signed, sending it safely over the mobile network to a pre-defined receiver with acknowledgement that delivery went fine and in a minute have it delivered to the right person anywhere in the world. The receiver don't have to digitalize the document before next action and due to rich metadata attached to each document they traceable. One can even use the keyboard for authentication of the person sending the document. 

Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service is a cloud based service with scanners attached via mobile networks. A customer is defined in the cloud based server and can add or remove scanners as desired. Each customer decide the functionality of their own private service, i.e. which email addresses should receive documents, if keypads should be used to send documents to different receivers and if authentication should be used. Customers buy the terminals and pay a fixed monthly fee for the service. Possio currently offers two terminals: Possio GRETA Mobile Scanner and Printer which is a mobile all-in-one scanner terminal and Possio SVEA GSM Connector which deliver the Mobile Scan to Email Service service using any standard G3 scanner. 

"We work with clients in transportation, healthcare, banks, defense, operators and public administration which proves that Secure Mobile Digitalization is relevant in most industries" says Magnus Melander, chairman at Possio. "The earlier in the business process a paper document can be securely digitalized and transferred the better", continues Mr Melander, and mention specifically "internal mail substitution and delivery documentation". 

Possio plan to have the Possio Mobile Scan to Email Service commercially available with Possio GRETA Mobile Scanner and Printer and Possio SVEA GSM Connector terminals early June 2013. For more information please contact Rickardh Gärdström, CEO Possio, or +46 73 310 00 99 or Magnus Melander, chairman Possio, or +46 70 230 72 51. 


  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • possio corporation
  • remote scan and print
  • scan-to-email


  • Stockholm

About Possio 
For the past 30 years Possio has been developing and marketing fixed and portable wireless products globally. We have a genuine track record of turning customer problems into relevant easy-to-use communication products for the international markets. Possio is based in Sweden, the home of wireless communication, with sales offices in Beijing and Chicago. Opti4U is a fully owned value-add mobile reseller for the SMB market in Sweden. For more information please visit and

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