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Campaign artwork by Lotta Kühlhorn for Pollinate Sweden.
Campaign artwork by Lotta Kühlhorn for Pollinate Sweden.

Love weeds – an exhibition at Rosendals Garden

Tid 22 Maj 2024 10:00 – 2 Juni 2024 15:00

Plats Rosendals Garden, Rosendalsvägen 38, 115 21 Stockholm.

Pollinate Sweden challenges the norm of what a garden should look like and strives to give justice to the most hated and slandered plants, the weeds, in an exhibition at Rosendals Garden at Djurgården in Stockholm. Through beautiful big photos printed on textile, the work of the photographer Lena Granefelt is shown in one of the old greenhouses.

The photos in this "sermon on diversity” are collected in a small book called The Bible of Weeds, (only in Swedish so far), with text from herbalist Lisen Sundgren.

The book and the exhibition contain a selection of 25 wild plants commonly called weeds, and show their value, for pollinating insects and for ourselves.

The Bible of Weeds exhibition– a diversity sermon opens to the public on Biodiversity Day May 22 and can be seen until June 2.

Part of the national Pollination Week 18– 26 May.

Read more at pollinerasverige.se and pollinateeurope.com



Anna Lind Lewin

Anna Lind Lewin

Presskontakt Kreativt ansvarig och producent. Grundare av Pollinera Sverige och Pollineringsveckan. 070-656 31 31 pollinerasverige.se
Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen

Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen

Presskontakt Rådgivare och forskare med fokus på pollinering och bihälsa. Grundare av Pollinera Sverige och Pollineringsveckan. +46 70 735 28 58 pollinerasverige.se

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Pollinera Sverige arbetar för att sprida kunskap om pollinerande insekter och deras livsviktiga arbete i trädgårdar, odlingar och vild natur.

Pollinera Sverige