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Pleos grundare Jeppe Rindom (t.v.) och Niccolo Perra (t.h.)

B2B-fintechen Pleo planerar massiv expansion i Europa och tredubblar värderingen till USD$4,7 miljarder med $200 serie C-utökning

Pleos utökar sin C-runda med ytterligare $200 miljoner, till $350 miljoner totalt. Bolagets värdering tredubblas nästan från $1.7 miljarder till $4,7 miljarder. Med detta blir Pleo den högst värderade europeiska tjänsten inom inköpshantering. Investeringen stöttar Pleos planer på en bred europeisk expansion - ytterligare 15 länder är i planerna för 2022 bl.a. Finland, Frankrike och Nederländerna.

Mette Hindborg Gade välkomnas som Pleos Chief People Officer

Fintech-enhörningen Pleo stärker ledningen med en Chief People Officer för att nå de ambitiösa expansionsmålen

Mette Hindborg Gade ansluter sig till Pleos ledningsgrupp och tillträder som företagets Chief People Officer. Med sin ingenjörsutbildning och erfarenhet som före detta partner på McKinsey & Company är Mette en erfaren ledare och problemlösare, med specialistkompetens i att driva igenom organisatoriska förändringar i snabbväxande bolag inom den finansiella sektorn.

Sociala medier

We’re thrilled to launch our very first Beyond Finance Awards! 🏆

These awards will  showcase the leading businesses, bookkeepers and accountants in the Pleo community across Europe.

So, what awards are up for grabs? 👀
⏭️ The forward-thinking finance leader
💸 Finance team of the year
⚖️ Success at scale
🚶‍♀️ Trailblazer of the year
🤝 Partner in accounting or consulting
👩‍💻 Integration partner of the year
🗳️ Partner Ambassador of the year
👨‍💻 Excellence in efficiency
👏 Power to the people
🗣️ People’s choice

And we need your nominations. Join us in recognising the most innovative and efficient in finance 👉 link in bio

We’re thrilled to launch our very first Beyond Finance Awards! 🏆 These awards will showcase the leading businesses, bookkeepers and accountants in the Pleo community across Europe. So, what awards are up for grabs? 👀 ⏭️ The forward-thinking finance leader 💸 Finance team of the year ⚖️ Success at scale 🚶‍♀️ Trailblazer of the year 🤝 Partner in accounting or consulting 👩‍💻 Integration partner of the year 🗳️ Partner Ambassador of the year 👨‍💻 Excellence in efficiency 👏 Power to the people 🗣️ People’s choice And we need your nominations. Join us in recognising the most innovative and efficient in finance 👉 link in bio

Right now, only 16% of UK businesses are focused on tech consolidation 🤨

That’s what we discovered when writing The CFO’s playbook for 2024. But with digital transformation and having a lean set-up an increasing priority, CFOs should be dead set on preventing app overload if they want to succeed.

Follow our 6 top tips for consolidating your tech and squeezing every last drop of value out of your software investments 💧

Yet to get your hands on The CFO’s playbook for 2024? Link in bio.

Right now, only 16% of UK businesses are focused on tech consolidation 🤨 That’s what we discovered when writing The CFO’s playbook for 2024. But with digital transformation and having a lean set-up an increasing priority, CFOs should be dead set on preventing app overload if they want to succeed. Follow our 6 top tips for consolidating your tech and squeezing every last drop of value out of your software investments 💧 Yet to get your hands on The CFO’s playbook for 2024? Link in bio.

The CFO’s playbook for 2024 has landed! 🚀

We’re diving into the world of digital transformation to see how it’s impacting the state of spending. We’ve compiled two sets of data – exploring the current state of play for businesses across the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

What’s inside? 👀
💪 How CFOs and finance leaders can turn challenges into opportunities
🗺️ Insights from finance experts on how they’re navigating the digital transformation
🤝 A discussion on the ongoing evolution of the CFO and finance team

Download the full report today 👉 link in bio

The CFO’s playbook for 2024 has landed! 🚀 We’re diving into the world of digital transformation to see how it’s impacting the state of spending. We’ve compiled two sets of data – exploring the current state of play for businesses across the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands. What’s inside? 👀 💪 How CFOs and finance leaders can turn challenges into opportunities 🗺️ Insights from finance experts on how they’re navigating the digital transformation 🤝 A discussion on the ongoing evolution of the CFO and finance team Download the full report today 👉 link in bio

Psst... We’ve got something coming soon. 👀

2023 saw businesses everywhere look towards their CFO and finance team to navigate through challenges more than ever before. 💪

Now, we’re looking ahead in The CFO’s playbook for 2024 to see how digital transformation is impacting the state of spending and the lives of CFOs and their wider finance teams.

We’ve compiled not just one, but two sets of data – exploring the current state of play for businesses across the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Sign up to receive a copy in your inbox very soon 👀 link in bio

Psst... We’ve got something coming soon. 👀 2023 saw businesses everywhere look towards their CFO and finance team to navigate through challenges more than ever before. 💪 Now, we’re looking ahead in The CFO’s playbook for 2024 to see how digital transformation is impacting the state of spending and the lives of CFOs and their wider finance teams. We’ve compiled not just one, but two sets of data – exploring the current state of play for businesses across the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. Sign up to receive a copy in your inbox very soon 👀 link in bio


Amy Monro-Henderson

Amy Monro-Henderson

Presskontakt Kommunikationdirektör - Europa +447780498253
Isac Almqvist

Isac Almqvist


Power to your People

Pleo erbjuder ett effektivt verktyg för utgiftshantering med smarta betalkort och mjukvara som gör det enkelt för medarbetare att betala för saker i jobbet. Samtidigt får chefer och ekonomiavdelningen full insyn i alla köp, i realtid. 
Pleo fångar upp kvitton i farten, direkt från din mailkorg eller via mobilkameran. Utgifterna kategoriseras automatiskt baserat på tidigare köp med målet att helt eliminera manuell utgiftsrapportering. Pleo fungerar tillsammans med Apple Pay och Google Pay och kan även hantera egna utlägg och traktamente.
Företaget grundades i Köpenhamn år 2015 av fintech-veteranerna Jeppe Rindom och Niccolo Perra, entreprenörer med många års erfarenhet av att bygga framgångsrika finansiella tjänster. Idag består Pleo-teamet av över 800 personer utspridda över sju europeiska kontor (Stockholm, London, Berlin, Madrid, Lissabon, Paris och Köpenhamn).

Pleo har idag över 25 000 företagskunder utspridda över 14 marknader i Europa. 
Pleo utnämndes till Global Startup of the Year 2021 och blev i juli 2021 Skandinaviens senaste enhörning.


Pleo Technologies AB, Kungsgatan 49
11122 Stockholm

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