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Picadeli turns up the volume on new sustainability efforts – will eliminate 120 tons of plastic annually

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Picadeli turns up the volume on new sustainability efforts – will eliminate 120 tons of plastic annually

According to data from Earth Day, 8 million metric tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean annually, proving to be dangerous to our planet, health and wildlife. Single-use plastics are a big part of the problem and in order to do something about it Picadeli now introduces a new 100 percent plastic free salad bowl lid, created in collaboration with Renewable Materials Company Stora Enso. The initiative is estimated to reduce 120 metric tons of plastic annually and is one of the company's climate initiatives after dropping all red meat in their salad bars last fall.

– Some might say that there is no such thing as healthy fast food - I think it’s fair to say that we have proven them wrong. Our next mission is to prove that fast food can contribute to a healthier planet as well. We are proud of these additional leaps and are committed to constantly finding new solutions in order to create possibilities for both healthy people and a healthy planet, says David von Laskowski, Group CEO at Picadeli.

Another measure taken to reduce plastic waste is the replacement of single-use dressing cups with stationary bottles. The new solution permits Picadeli to keep used plastics where there is waste sorting and recycling possibilities, avoiding littering in parks and other public spaces. At the same time Picadeli takes the opportunity to update the dressings with clean labels, improved taste and new flavours.

New vegan chicken-sub from Quorn™ makes it easier to choose plant-based

All existing research shows that animal-based foods have a higher climate footprint than plant-based. Picadeli has since it was founded in 2009 offered a variety of plant-based alternatives and today 70 percent of the assortment is vegan and 90 percent lacto ovo vegetarian. The company is now taking the next step in reducing meat consumption in their salad bars by introducing a vegan chicken substitute, made of mycoprotein, from the plant-based food company Quorn™, making it easier to make sustainable choices.

– We take pride in being "fast food de la future" and that doesn't just mean tasty fresh food, Picadeli maintains a clear climate focus through an innovative variety of plant-based food, solutions for reduced food waste and more sustainable packaging, says Kristoffer Sunér, Head of Food & Quality at Picadeli.

Picadeli's latest measures for the climate will be in place during spring 2022 on all markets.

For more information, contact:
Kristoffer Sunér, Head of Food & Quality
M: +46 (0)709 56 83 66


Picadeli is a Swedish salad pioneer, driven by the belief that fast food should be food that’s good for you. The idea is simple; through self-served salads, democratize healthy food and prove that fast food can be nutritious, fresh and tasty. The high-tech salad bars can be found in more than 2000 stores around Europe and the United States. Since the start in 2009, Picadeli has enabled the grocery trade to offer its customers an innovative, fresh and tasty salad concept. The company currently has an annual turnover of more than SEK 1.4 billion which represents close to SEK 3 billion in retail value.


Frida Bresander

Frida Bresander

Presskontakt Marknadschef Sverige 0721 89 91 03

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Måste snabbmat vara skräpmat?

Picadeli är en svensk salladspionjär som drivs av övertygelsen att snabbmat ska vara mat som är bra för dig. Idén är enkel; att demokratisera hälsosam mat och göra den tillgänglig, prisvärd och smakrik. Sedan starten 2009 har Picadeli gjort det möjligt för dagligvaruhandeln och servicehandeln att erbjuda konsumenten ett innovativt, fräscht och välsmakande koncept och de högteknologiska salladsbarerna återfinns numer i cirka 2000 butiker runt om i Europa och USA. Bolaget omsätter idag drygt 1,4 miljarder SEK per år vilket motsvarar närmare 3 miljarder SEK i detaljhandelsvärde.

Picadeli AB

Rullagergatan 1
41505 Göteborg