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Florentin Ducoté and Grégoire Bodin,  cofounders of Picadeli France, recieves the Snacking d’Or award on the Sandwich & Snack Show
Florentin Ducoté and Grégoire Bodin, cofounders of Picadeli France, recieves the Snacking d’Or award on the Sandwich & Snack Show

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Picadeli France scoops second prestigious award

Paris, 4th April 2018 -- Picadeli France, specialists in self-service salad bars and food tech innovation, have won their second major industry award in under four months.

They were presented with the “Editor’s Favourite” award by Snacking Magazine at the Sandwich and Snack Show 2018 in Paris today. The prize follows on from the LSA Innovation award picked up by the company in December 2017.

Picadeli only arrived in France in April 2017, and in less than a year have established more than 120 salad bars around the country. Mainly focussed around Paris, there are already outlets in Marseille, Nice, Lyon, Montpellier and other cities, with more planned by the summer.

The success Picadeli have had in France follows on from their well-established Nordic model. With 1200 outlets in Sweden alone, and 24 million salads sold last year, they are the European market leader in ready-to-eat, self-service salad innovation.

Picadeli’s unique concept gives customers over 40 freshly-prepared natural ingredients to choose from. They then receive a simple ‘per kilo’ price for their salad and pay for it at the cash desk along with the rest of their shopping.

Picadeli’s commitment to digitalisation and smart technology means consumer preferences can be recorded and analysed. This data leads to reduced waste and better choice, all at a competitive price, making Picadeli the healthy, cost-effective alternative to fast food at lunchtime.

With the majority of Picadeli outlets situated in supermarkets and other retail outlets, the Snacking Magazine award highlights a strategic move into the service space, with hospitals, airports and train stations targeted as potential future salad bar locations.

“We are delighted to win this award,” said David Bicheron, Managing Director of Picadeli France. “It is a reflection of how hard we have worked on building our brand across France. We already knew Picadeli was the perfect fresh salad option for retail outlets, but to be recognised in this way by a leading publication in the food services industry shows that our product works equally well in hospitals, arenas and transport hubs. Wherever people want a healthy, convenient lunch on the go.”

Further information: www.picadeli.com/fr / +33 4 88 607 607 / info@picadeli.fr


Picadeli provides food retail a full concept of self-service salad where the customer is offered everything from an innovative, fresh and tasty assortment to high-tech salad counters, support and service. In 2009, the very first salad bar was launched in Sweden with the ambition to change people's lunch behavior through a brand new way of buying salad. Today, the company has over 100 employees, is European market leader and can be found in more than 1500 stores around Europe. Picadeli has been part of the Greenfood Group, Nordic leader in healthy food since 2015. Find out more at www.picadeli.com


Frida Bresander

Frida Bresander

Presskontakt Marknadschef Sverige 0721 89 91 03

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Måste snabbmat vara skräpmat?

Picadeli är en svensk salladspionjär som drivs av övertygelsen att snabbmat ska vara mat som är bra för dig. Idén är enkel; att demokratisera hälsosam mat och göra den tillgänglig, prisvärd och smakrik. Sedan starten 2009 har Picadeli gjort det möjligt för dagligvaruhandeln och servicehandeln att erbjuda konsumenten ett innovativt, fräscht och välsmakande koncept och de högteknologiska salladsbarerna återfinns numer i cirka 2000 butiker runt om i Europa och USA. Bolaget omsätter idag drygt 1,4 miljarder SEK per år vilket motsvarar närmare 3 miljarder SEK i detaljhandelsvärde.

Picadeli AB

Rullagergatan 1
41505 Göteborg