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Picadeli France and Franprix win Grès d’Or award celebrating food retail collaboration

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Picadeli France and Franprix win Grès d’Or award celebrating food retail collaboration

Paris, 21st September 2018 - Picadeli France, specialists in self-service salad bars and food tech innovation, have won another important award in the food retail industry. The Grès d’Or award celebrates collaboration between providers and retailers, and Picadeli were recognised for their partnership with Franprix - the leading retailer of local grocery stores in the Ile de France region.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the prestigious Grès d’Or, which was presented at a ceremony in Paris on September 11th 2018. The event was organised by LSA Magazine and businesses and enterprise federation FEEF.This year,over 650 companies applied for the prize, and only ten were successful.

It is the third major industry award won by Picadeli France in less than a year, following on from their recognition by the LSA Innovation Awards in December 2017 and the Snacking Magazine Editors Choice award in April.

Picadeli’s relationship with Franprix exemplifies the spirit of collaboration the Grès d’Or jury is looking for. By working together, the two companies are revolutionising food on the move, giving shoppers a healthy, convenient alternative to sandwiches and fast food. The first Picadeli salad bar appeared in a Franprix store in July 2017 and since then, a further actual 130 and objective of 200 bars have been added to Franprix locations all over France.

Picadeli’s unique concept gives customers over 40 freshly-prepared natural ingredients to choose from. They then receive a simple ‘per kilo’ price for their salad and pay for it at the cash desk along with the rest of their shopping. Franprix stores are the ideal places for Picadeli’s bars, as they are local grocery shops that people visit every day.

Picadeli is headquartered in Sweden, and is the market leader in self-service salads in the Nordic region, but it has also been expanding rapidly in France following its launch in 2017. There are now 200retail outlets selling Picadeli salads all across the country.

“These type of ‘convenience stores’ are growing in popularity, and are always on the lookout for new food concepts,” said David Bicheron, Managing Director of Picadeli France. “We knew Picadeli was a great partner for Franprix as there is considerable consumer demand for fresh salads and our bespoke service is perfect for shoppers looking for a healthy lunch. This award is a fantastic achievement for both our companies as we continue to work together on innovative food tech solutions.”

Further information:www.picadeli.com / info@picadeli.se 


Picadeli provides food retailers with a new concept in self-service salad. Customers can now enjoy a fresh and tasty assortment of ingredients complete with high-tech salad bar innovation, support and service. In 2009, the very first Picadeli salad bar was launched in Sweden with the ambition to change people's lunch behaviour through a brand-new way of buying salad. Today, the company has over 100 employees, is European market leader and can be found in more than 1700 stores around Europe. Picadeli has been part of the Greenfood Group, Nordic leader in healthy food, since 2015.

Find out more at www.picadeli.com


Frida Bresander

Frida Bresander

Presskontakt Marknadschef Sverige 0721 89 91 03

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Picadeli är en svensk salladspionjär som drivs av övertygelsen att snabbmat ska vara mat som är bra för dig. Idén är enkel; att demokratisera hälsosam mat och göra den tillgänglig, prisvärd och smakrik. Sedan starten 2009 har Picadeli gjort det möjligt för dagligvaruhandeln och servicehandeln att erbjuda konsumenten ett innovativt, fräscht och välsmakande koncept och de högteknologiska salladsbarerna återfinns numer i cirka 2000 butiker runt om i Europa och USA. Bolaget omsätter idag drygt 1,4 miljarder SEK per år vilket motsvarar närmare 3 miljarder SEK i detaljhandelsvärde.

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41505 Göteborg