Stunning success for Sweden in Gourmand Awards. Best Food Television, Best Book of the Year and Best Publisher.

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Stunning success for Sweden in Gourmand Awards. Best Food Television, Best Book of the Year and Best Publisher.

Stunning success in the most important categories of Best Food Television, Best Book of the Year and Best Publisher. The competition is very difficult, given the quality and quantity of the entries. The top 3 in any category are equally respected, it is such an achievement. The ranking 1,2,3 is indicated in the document for all Swedish winners.
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  • Mat, dryck


  • food television
  • cookbooks
  • lm publishers
  • norstedts
  • hrh the prince of wales
  • with our own hands
  • ernst kirchsteiger
  • tv4
  • husmansbord
  • gourmand awards