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Swedish Energy Company Signs Landmark Deal for Net Zero Future: Aims to Reduce 12 000 Tons of Emissions Annually

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Swedish Energy Company Signs Landmark Deal for Net Zero Future: Aims to Reduce 12 000 Tons of Emissions Annually

Öresundskraft, a Swedish energy company, has taken a monumental leap in environmental sustainability by signing a letter of intent with the city of Helsingborg. With this groundbreaking initiative, the city has the ambition to procure 12,000 tons of negative emissions, annually, for a decade, a key step towards becoming a net zero city.

At the heart of this venture is Öresundskraft's ambitious plan to establish a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Filborna district heating plant, slated to be operational by 2027. This project, which recently received significant government funding from the Swedish energy agency is set to revolutionize carbon emission reduction strategies.

The CCS technology at Filborna will enable the efficient capture and permanent geological storage of both fossil and biogenic carbon dioxide. This process involves deep underground mineralization of the captured CO2, effectively removing it from the atmosphere. The transformation of CO2 into a mineral stone deep beneath the surface ensures its permanent elimination from the air we breathe.

In a bid to offset their emissions, organizations and businesses can purchase negative emission certificates. It is these certificates, amounting to 12,000 tons of CO2, that the city of Helsingborg intends to acquire under the newly signed letter of intent with Öresundskraft. This move aligns with Helsingborg's goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and will enable the city’s administrative bodies to reach net-zero emissions.

Christian Orsing, Chair of Helsingborg City Council, emphasizes the city's high aspirations in climate action.

- Helsingborg was recognized as one of the EU's most climate-smart cities 2021, and even if we have come far, we still have much to do. This initiative not only guarantee climate-neutral district heating for our residents and businesses but also paves the way for local enterprises to invest in negative emissions. The agreement sends a powerful message to the business community, an indispensable ally in our transition to a sustainable future.

Soraya Axelsson, Commercial Director of the CCS project at Öresundskraft, adds:

- Our progress with the CCS facility is a testament to the viability of this technology. We are currently in the process of selecting contractors to construct the facility and negotiating with transport and storage providers. We aim to make the final investment decision by the first half of 2025, with the plan to be fully operational in 2027. This initiative is crucial for the people of Helsingborg and for the city to meet its climate goals. We are therefore delighted that the city is playing a significant role in making CCS a reality.

For additional information, please contact:

Soraya Axelsson, Commercial Head of CCS, Öresundskraft: +46 700 003727

Christian Orsing, Chair of Helsingborg City Council , Helsingborgs stad: +46 42 – 10 55 55




Öresundskraft. Vi är 420 eldsjälar som genom kunddriven affärsutveckling erbjuder hållbara energi- och kommunikationslösningar. Tillsammans med våra 100 000 kunder skapar vi smarta tjänster och resurseffektiv energianvändning, varje dag. Vi ägs av Helsingborgs stad och med en produktpalett av el, fjärrvärme, biogas, fjärrkyla och energitjänster lever vi vår vision: ”Kraft att förändra". www.oresundskraft.se"


Anders Lundblad

Anders Lundblad

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 070-000 36 44
Daniel Nüüd

Daniel Nüüd

Presskontakt Medierelationer 0700003778

Energi för en bättre värld

Öresundskraft. Vi är 420 eldsjälar som genom kunddriven affärsutveckling erbjuder hållbara energi- och kommunikationslösningar. Tillsammans med våra 100 000 kunder skapar vi smarta tjänster och resurseffektiv energianvändning, varje dag. Vi ägs av Helsingborgs stad och med en produktpalett av el, fjärrvärme, biogas, fjärrkyla och energitjänster lever vi vår vision: ”Kraft att förändra". www.oresundskraft.se


Västra Sandgatan 4
252 25 Helsingborg