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The mobile carbon capture demonstration unit from CO2Capsol at the Filbornaverket EfW plant in Helsingborg. (Photo: Öresundskraft)
The mobile carbon capture demonstration unit from CO2Capsol at the Filbornaverket EfW plant in Helsingborg. (Photo: Öresundskraft)

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Öresundskraft in unique test for carbon capture, funded by Swedish Energy Agency

Öresundskraft has signed a rental contract with “CO2 Capsol” for a mobile carbon capture demonstration unit, the CapsolGo™ at the Filbornaverket EfW plant. The aim is to verify that the HPC method is valid for capturing carbon from waste incineration flue gasses.

Hot potassium carbonate, HPC, is a solvent used for carbon capturing and storage (CCS). The method is normally used to remove carbon dioxide deriving from the production of ammonia. HPC has previously not been used on flue gasses from waste incineration plants.

- That makes this pilot special. We believe that HPC can be used to capture carbon from flue gasses stemming from waste incineration plants like Filbornaverket. The pilot aims to verify that and that HPC has advantages over other carbon capturing solutions, says Ann-Sofie Lindqvist, project manager at Öresundskraft, the municipal energy company in Helsingborg, Sweden.

Potential benefits of using HPC include lower energy consumption, scalability, cost effectiveness over competing amine-based methods and negligible environmental hazards. In addition, the HPC pilot will provide Öresundskraft with data to establish how well CO2 Capsols HPC technology work with Filbornaverket’s specific flue gasses.

- If the results are positive, the next step is to upgrade from the smaller pilot facility to a full-scale solution at Filbornaverket, adds Jesper Baaring, project manager & business developer, Öresundskraft.

The HPC pilot has received funding from The Swedish Energy Agency and is expected to run for four months starting in September 2022.

Please note: This press release was published in Swedish on March 22, 2022.

For further information, please contact:
Ann-Sofie Lindqvist, CCS project manager, Öresundskraft, phone +46-(0)70-390 39 65
Jesper Baaring, Project Manager & Business Developer, Öresundskraft, phone +46-(0)70-418 39 79
Göran Skoglund, Press Officer, Öresundskraft, phone +46-(0)70-418 34 35

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Öresundskraft. We are 420 employees committed to offering sustainable energy and communication solutions through customer focused business development. Together with some 100 000 customers we create smart services and resource efficient energy solutions, every day. We are owned by the city of Helsingborg and with a portfolio of electricity, district heating & cooling, biogas, fibre networks, IoT solutions and energy services, we live our vision: For a better world. www.oresundskraft.se #togetherfor17


Anders Lundblad

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Daniel Nüüd

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Västra Sandgatan 4
252 25 Helsingborg