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SecureLink releases Annual Security Report 2019

SecureLink, Part of Orange Cyberdefense, is publishing its Annual Security Report. This report is an important indicator for the status of European cybersecurity.

It features 60 pages of statistics obtained from first-hand data gathered in the five cyber-SOCs of the organization, in-depth analysis of the threat landscape and its changes and trends, as well as feature articles about the hot topics of the year and a timeline of important cyber events. The report provides insight based on exclusive research data and its focus on Europe make its content essential knowledge for planning ahead in one of the most thriving digital markets of the world. This is information everyone involved with digital enterprise should be aware of.


  • Statistics on criticality, Malware types and attack campaigns, criticality and distribution among verticals
  • Research: 2019 – The year of databreaches
  • Research: Hunting medical records in the darknet
  • Research: Who you really trust when using certificates for encryption
  • Threat predictions
  • 2019 Cyber News Timeline

“Coming together with Orange CyberDefense and SecureData to form the new European Cybersecurity Leader, R&D and intelligence driven cybersecurity services will remain a core part of our future DNA. With a combined number of over 40 experts dedicated to R&D and threat research, >200 ethical hackers, 35 published papers & presentations at cyber conferences over the last year and 2.5k unique ThreatIntelligence entries not known to any other sources we are proud to publish the next Annual Security Report.”

Thomas Fetten, CEO SecureLink

Some key findings from the ASR 2019:

  • In 2019 threat actors raised the pressure on mid-sized organisations: Attacks on businesses of 1,000 – 10,000 employees increased by 80% in 2019 compared to the previous year. In organisations of less than 1,000 employees the per-head risc of being affected was 12 times higher than in larger ones.
  • Malware was not the predominant incident type in 2019. This can be tracked to the extensive implementation of next-generation endpoint protection.
  • One in three websites uses a certificate issued by an organisation that does not exist any more. This raises severe concerns about the worldwide PKI system used in HTTPS encrypted data transfer.
  • more than 4 billion personal records and data sets have been leaked in 2019. This means statistically one in two persons have had personal data unlawfully disclosed.
  • A full medical record including name, adress, prescriptions, treatment information, employer adress, emergency contacts & will may be on sale for as little as $12 on the darknet.

SecureLink publishes its Annual Security Report once a year for free. It can be downloaded from www.securelink.net/asr.

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SecureLink is the market leading provider of cybersecurity and part of Orange Cyberdefense. Our portfolio spans advisory, services, 24/7 managed detection and response, solutions, professional services and technology. We empower your business by allowing you to embrace innovation, efficiency and collaboration; without compromising on security.

SecureLink is powered by a strong combination of artificial and human intelligence-driven solutions. We combine market-leading technology with some of the industry’s most talented experts, to provide you with the services you need to reduce your risk. True cybersecurity is about adding value through trust and making life easier for our customers. Put simply, we safely enable business.

About Orange Cyberdefense

Orange Cyberdefense is the Orange Group’s expert cyber security business unit, providing Managed Security (MSSP), Managed Detection and Reaction (MDR) and Threat Intelligence services to organizations around the globe.

In combination with SecureLink Orange Cyberdefense provides 24/7 local operations in 19 locations with 10 CyberSOCs, 16 SOCs, 4 CERTs and offers consulting, implementation & licensing of security tools as well as services in 160 countries.


Marie Waller

Marie Waller

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Vendor Relations
Maria Lundmark

Maria Lundmark

Presskontakt Digital Marketing Manager Orange Cyberdefense Sweden
Camilla Gyllenberg

Camilla Gyllenberg

Presskontakt Content and Market Analyst Manager

Relaterat innehåll

Build a safer digital society

Om Orange Cyberdefense (f.d. SecureLink)
Orange Cyberdefense är Orange groups enhet för cybersäkerhet. Vi sköter säkerhetshantering, hotdetektering och motåtgärder åt organisationer världen över.

Som Europas mest använda säkerhetsleverantör arbetar vi för att skydda friheten och bygga ett säkrare digitalt samhälle.

Vi är en säkerhetsleverantör som genom att efterforska och samla in uppgifter om hot erbjuder oöverträffad information om aktuella och kommande hot.

Med över 25 års erfarenhet av informationssäkerhet, över 250 forskare och analytiker, 16 SOC fördelade över hela världen och försäljnings- och servicesupport i 160 länder, kan vi ge globalt skydd med lokal expertis och stödja våra kunder under hela hotlivscykeln.

Om Orange
Orange är en av världens ledande telekommunikationsoperatörer med en försäljning på 42 miljarder euro 2019 och 147 000 anställda världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 87 000 anställda i Frankrike. Koncernen har en total kundbas på 266 miljoner kunder världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 207 miljoner mobilkunder och 21 miljoner kunder med fast bredband. Koncernen finns i 26 länder. Orange är också en ledande leverantör av globala IT- och telekommunikationstjänster till multinationella företag under varumärket Orange Business Services. I december 2019 presenterade koncernen sin nya strategiska plan "Engage 2025", som styrd av socialt och miljömässigt ansvar har som syfte att göra om driftsmodellen i grunden. Samtidigt som tillväxten påskyndas och data och AI centreras i innovationsmodellen kommer koncernen att förbli en attraktiv och ansvarsfull arbetsgivare som anpassar sig efter framväxande yrken.

Orange är noterad på Euronext Paris (symbolen ORA) och på New York Stock Exchange (symbolen ORAN).
För mer information på internet och i mobilen: www.orange.com, www.orange-business.com eller för att följa oss på Twitter: @orangegrouppr.
Orange och andra Orange-namn på produkter eller tjänster som ingår i det här materialet är varumärken som tillhör Orange eller Orange Brand Services Limited.

Orange Cyberdefense Sweden AB

Hyllie boulevard 40
21535 Malmö

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