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Every month SecureLink reports on the top threats from the previous month in it's Top Threats Blog
Every month SecureLink reports on the top threats from the previous month in it's Top Threats Blog

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The top IT-Security threats in January and February 2019

At SecureLink, we create two lists of top threats every month. One is curated for the monthly reports that go out to all of our SecureDetect customers. It’s written by CDC analysts and researchers, such as Aistè Skog, Diana Selck-Paulsson and Victor Nedström. The top threats blog, typically written by researchers or myself, uses that report as input, but arbitrarily replaces some threats with “interesting” pieces which aren’t threats in a literal sense. An example is the Austrian Encryption Law (Australia data encryption laws explained – BBC News). Famously, Malcolm Turnbull, Australian PM, was quoted: “The laws of mathematics don’t apply in Australia”.

Finally, a bunch of SecureLinkers flock together near the end of the month to discuss all of these, in our ThreatBuster podcast. We know the podcast might not have the highest production value, but we enjoy it. It brings some perspective, and people often find little nuggets of humor and wisdom in them. For example, if you don’t know who “Fat Brian” is, listen from the top and you’ll find Brian recurring in our banter.

The thing is, by then it’s already almost the next month. And we’re still discussing the previous one. Which is a little bit… weird. So, without further ado, from this month, we’ll be addressing the top threats happening so far, and the threats we discuss, may not actually be threats at all.

Makes sense? Great! Here we go:

Emotet, Trickbot & Ryuk

Emotet was traditionally a banking trojan, which means it messes with your browser to steal money through fraudulent transactions.

During the December holidays, its activity was pretty low. This is explained by the fact that the criminals went skiing for Christmas. By mid-January it was back with a vengeance, with new tricks. Some of these centered around spam detection evasion. Further research shows Emotet acting as a loader for other malware, such as Trickbot (the notorious descendant from the old Dyre malware, in turn a successor of GameOver Zeus, and a “cousin” to Dridex). Finally, Trickbot now has new payload download capabilities. Ryuk is the ransomware observed to be installed by Trickbot. So, as we can see, there seems to be connections from banking fraudsters to other criminals, which is pretty normal. GameOver Zeus spawned Cryptolocker ransomware years ago, and Dridex often dropped Locky ransomware. Beware of malware replacing itself with other malware. Like Forrest Gump says, you never know what you’re gonna get.

SC Media: Ryuk ransomware linked to Emotet and TrickBot

Bleeping Computer: Emotet Returns from the Holidays With New Tricks

Image Source: US-CERT

RCE in APT/APT-get

For all nation state threat lovers out there, there’s an APT that’s just a benign package manager tool. It has nothing to do with Persistent Threats, advanced or not. The thing is, a package manager requires quite some privileges to manage the packets, so when it’s pwned, its pwned hard. A Remote Code Execution flaw is one of the worst flaws, and this was a pretty nasty one. A malicious package could mess with HTTP response codes, and ultimately trigger the execution of an arbitrary payload. The vulnerability was responsibly disclosed, and updates for APT are available. However, if for some reason, you’ve not updated your APT managed distribution, go right ahead and type “sudo apt-get upgrade” in your console.

Remote Code Execution in apt/apt-get

36-year-old vulnerabilities

I love it when a vulnerability is older than me. In this case, it isn’t – although it’s very old indeed. Several ancient vulnerabilities in the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) implementation surfaced in mid-January. Secure Copy is a network protocol that allows users to securely transfer files across networks. SCP is based on Remote Copy Protocol (RCP) and relies on the authentication and encryption features of Secure Shell (SSH). The flaw can be abused by malicious servers or man-in-the-middle attackers to drop or overwrite arbitrary files on a victim system. All client applications using SCP, including OpenSSH, PuTTY and WinSCP, are affected by the vulnerability. You might think, what’s another few weeks on top of 36 years? A lot. Patching is key.


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Marie Waller

Marie Waller

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Vendor Relations
Maria Lundmark

Maria Lundmark

Presskontakt Digital Marketing Manager Orange Cyberdefense Sweden
Camilla Gyllenberg

Camilla Gyllenberg

Presskontakt Content and Market Analyst Manager

Build a safer digital society

Om Orange Cyberdefense (f.d. SecureLink)
Orange Cyberdefense är Orange groups enhet för cybersäkerhet. Vi sköter säkerhetshantering, hotdetektering och motåtgärder åt organisationer världen över.

Som Europas mest använda säkerhetsleverantör arbetar vi för att skydda friheten och bygga ett säkrare digitalt samhälle.

Vi är en säkerhetsleverantör som genom att efterforska och samla in uppgifter om hot erbjuder oöverträffad information om aktuella och kommande hot.

Med över 25 års erfarenhet av informationssäkerhet, över 250 forskare och analytiker, 16 SOC fördelade över hela världen och försäljnings- och servicesupport i 160 länder, kan vi ge globalt skydd med lokal expertis och stödja våra kunder under hela hotlivscykeln.

Om Orange
Orange är en av världens ledande telekommunikationsoperatörer med en försäljning på 42 miljarder euro 2019 och 147 000 anställda världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 87 000 anställda i Frankrike. Koncernen har en total kundbas på 266 miljoner kunder världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 207 miljoner mobilkunder och 21 miljoner kunder med fast bredband. Koncernen finns i 26 länder. Orange är också en ledande leverantör av globala IT- och telekommunikationstjänster till multinationella företag under varumärket Orange Business Services. I december 2019 presenterade koncernen sin nya strategiska plan "Engage 2025", som styrd av socialt och miljömässigt ansvar har som syfte att göra om driftsmodellen i grunden. Samtidigt som tillväxten påskyndas och data och AI centreras i innovationsmodellen kommer koncernen att förbli en attraktiv och ansvarsfull arbetsgivare som anpassar sig efter framväxande yrken.

Orange är noterad på Euronext Paris (symbolen ORA) och på New York Stock Exchange (symbolen ORAN).
För mer information på internet och i mobilen: www.orange.com, www.orange-business.com eller för att följa oss på Twitter: @orangegrouppr.
Orange och andra Orange-namn på produkter eller tjänster som ingår i det här materialet är varumärken som tillhör Orange eller Orange Brand Services Limited.

Orange Cyberdefense Sweden AB

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