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Innovation or proven-value? What to choose?

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Innovation or proven-value? What to choose?

The pros and cons of being an innovator

Some companies always have the need to innovate. Just think of high-tech hospitals, financial institutions or other businesses that work with extremely sensitive data. When the board realizes the importance thereof, they will allocate the budgets. But, what about your company?

In short: Does your business want to be the first to try it? Or do you want to see the evidence first?

Being a pioneer has multiple advantages. Just think of:

  • Attracting many employees and customers because of your innovative reputation;
  • Increasing efficiency
  • Differentiating from competitors

But, it can also have less fortunate results:

  • You can’t precisely predict the outcome
  • There might be hidden vulnerabilities, resulting in hidden costs
  • There is no proven value
  • You might have to retrain your employees, resulting in additional expenses
  • No concrete planning is possible

An example: SIEM or AI?

The world is digitalizing, and businesses are challenged in many ways. When it comes to cybersecurity, CISOs often doubt whether they should stick to their SIEM technology or opt for Artificial Intelligence.

Let’s compare:


  • Great proven value
  • Takes much time to set up, often a couple of months
  • No loss of data when maintaining


  • No real proven value yet
  • Takes only a couple of days to set up
  • Finds vulnerabilities that SIEM can’t find
  • Offers more visibility into what is happening on your network (security-related)
  • Less maintenance needed, but you might lose data

SecureLink advises you to test both technologies simultaneously. This can be done through a Proof Of Concept. That way you can decide if you want to replace your existing technology with AI, to keep the old one or to add AI as an addition to the current technology in the form of User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) for example.

SecureLink’s advice on pioneering

To some companies, 1% of extra security is crucial. Pioneering is in their DNA, and they are not afraid to test new technologies, in a safe way. In a safe way means: testing new technologies simultaneously with the older ones. We highly recommend this. As every environment is different, results might be different too. So, you never know what the exact results will be for your business unless you test it through a Proof of Concept for example.

A new solution might be the cutting-edge layer on top of your existing layers. Adding AI, for example, might give you more insights and visibility. Visibility that can be essential.

Companies with less risk appetite may prefer stability when their data is not extremely sensitive. Technologies that have proven value will allow you to precisely predict your results, the costs and timing.

Besides, budgets, sales cycles, and other business protocols might keep you from investing for a while. When you doubt, or when it is not crucial, you can wait for 1 or 2 more years to implement it. Innovative players are often caught up quickly by competitors or acquired by them.

Author: Peter Beerten





Marie Waller

Marie Waller

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Vendor Relations
Maria Lundmark

Maria Lundmark

Presskontakt Digital Marketing Manager Orange Cyberdefense Sweden
Camilla Gyllenberg

Camilla Gyllenberg

Presskontakt Content and Market Analyst Manager

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Build a safer digital society

Om Orange Cyberdefense (f.d. SecureLink)
Orange Cyberdefense är Orange groups enhet för cybersäkerhet. Vi sköter säkerhetshantering, hotdetektering och motåtgärder åt organisationer världen över.

Som Europas mest använda säkerhetsleverantör arbetar vi för att skydda friheten och bygga ett säkrare digitalt samhälle.

Vi är en säkerhetsleverantör som genom att efterforska och samla in uppgifter om hot erbjuder oöverträffad information om aktuella och kommande hot.

Med över 25 års erfarenhet av informationssäkerhet, över 250 forskare och analytiker, 16 SOC fördelade över hela världen och försäljnings- och servicesupport i 160 länder, kan vi ge globalt skydd med lokal expertis och stödja våra kunder under hela hotlivscykeln.

Om Orange
Orange är en av världens ledande telekommunikationsoperatörer med en försäljning på 42 miljarder euro 2019 och 147 000 anställda världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 87 000 anställda i Frankrike. Koncernen har en total kundbas på 266 miljoner kunder världen över den 31 december 2019, inklusive 207 miljoner mobilkunder och 21 miljoner kunder med fast bredband. Koncernen finns i 26 länder. Orange är också en ledande leverantör av globala IT- och telekommunikationstjänster till multinationella företag under varumärket Orange Business Services. I december 2019 presenterade koncernen sin nya strategiska plan "Engage 2025", som styrd av socialt och miljömässigt ansvar har som syfte att göra om driftsmodellen i grunden. Samtidigt som tillväxten påskyndas och data och AI centreras i innovationsmodellen kommer koncernen att förbli en attraktiv och ansvarsfull arbetsgivare som anpassar sig efter framväxande yrken.

Orange är noterad på Euronext Paris (symbolen ORA) och på New York Stock Exchange (symbolen ORAN).
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