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Omegapoint acquires Tripoint
Omegapoint acquires Tripoint

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Omegapoint acquires Tripoint and becomes even sharper in secure digital transformation.

Tripoint completes Omegapoint’s offer of high-quality system development and IT architecture. Together the company meets the clients growing demands for partners that can take total responsibility in the client’s digital transformation. As a bonus, the company gets a stronger presence in western Sweden and Europe.

-“We are really excited that Tripoint has become a part of Omegapoint. With the acquisition we get new colleagues with a deep understanding of strategic system development and architecture. Together we can take even more responsibility for our clients’ digitalisation and offer solutions to a much greater extent,” says Group CEO Johan Malmliden

Tripoint was founded in 2013 and overturns 60 million SEK. The company is located in Gothenburg and has 30 senior consultants niched in strategic systems development and architecture. Tripoint works with the markets’ leading clients in fashion, telecommunication, and automotive manufacturing and logistics industries.

- “For Tripoint, the merger with Omegapoint allows us to offer our clients a new type of service, most importantly within the technical security sector. The fact that we are now joining together with a company which shares our culture and our passion for developing is a comfort to both us and our clients,” says Stefan Andreasson, Managing Director and consultant at Tripoint.

The acquisition of Tripoint is an important step in Omegapoint’s strategy to become Sweden’s leading provider of secure digital transformation, through internal growth and strategic acquisitions. In 2018, Uppsala-based Qurit AB was acquired, strengthening Omegapoint’s position within e-health and life science. With the acquisition of Tripoint cutting-edge expertise in strategic system development and IT architecture completes Omegapoint’s offering.

- “Securingthe digital transformation is key within all branches and we look forward to continuing our security development for both our current and future clients together with Tripoint.” concludes Johan Malmliden.


About Omegapoint Group ABOmegapoint Group AB offers expert consultants in information security and secure application development and is a leading supplier of cyber security solutions. Omegapoint was founded in 2001 and is 60 percent employee-owned and 40 percent owned by the venture capital company PRIVEQ.

Omegapoint is a leading provider of secure digital transformation with private and public customers in healthcare, life science, banking and finance, insurance, media, telecom and automotive. In addition, Omegapoint works with strategic assignments in government organisations and the defense sector.

We help our customers to digitalise their business and develop secure and efficient systems, processes and businesses.

In 2018, Omegapoint’s total sales reached SEK 362.3 million with an EBITDA of SEK 37 million.

Omegapoint is growing and is currently close to 300 consultants in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Umeå and Uppsala.


Johan Malmliden

Johan Malmliden

Presskontakt Koncernchef 08-545 106 90
Clara Livh

Clara Livh

Presskontakt Chief marketing officer +46706849534

Relaterat innehåll

Omegapoint grundades 2001 och är idag Norra Europas ledande konsultbolag inom cybersäker digitalisering. Med en vision om en framtid där vi fullt ut kan lita på teknik använder Omegapoint sin expertis för att utveckla och skydda sina kunders verksamheter.

Vi är vassa och snälla, något som karaktäriseras av vår kompetensutvecklingskultur och viljan att dela vår kunskap med varandra. Vi är för närvarande över 900 anställda konsulter i Stockholm, Oslo, Drammen, Köpenhamn, Göteborg, Malmö, Örebro, Västerås, Enköping, Uppsala och Umeå. Omegapoint grundades 2001 och ägs delvis av medarbetare, delvis av FSN Capital.

Omegapoint Group AB

Vasagatan 16
111 44 Stockholm