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Omegapoint acquires one of Sweden's leading IT consulting companies within e-Health, Pharmaceutical and Life Science sector

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Omegapoint acquires one of Sweden's leading IT consulting companies within e-Health, Pharmaceutical and Life Science sector

Stockholm, Sweden - Omegapoint Group AB – a leading information security and secure-application development consultant company announces it has signed a binding agreement to acquire Qurit AB, a specialized IT-consultant company in and e-Health, Pharmaceutical and Life Science sector. Omegapoint will, based on the acquisition, accelerate the development of the business area: e-Health and Pharmaceutical, to address a rapidly growing need for expert competence related to secure application development and IT-security in the rapidly growing digitized Healthcare value chain.

"Through the acquisition of Qurit AB, Omegapoint position itself as a leading provider and, at the same time, builds considerable competence, capacity and resources in a sector where demand for digitization and IT-security is growing rapidly." Says Johan Malmliden, President and CEO of Omegapoint Group AB. "The digitization of healthcare, general health related services and lifestyle-related issues represents some of the biggest challenges for society in the foreseeable future."

"The fact that Qurit becomes part of Omegapoint means we will jointly strengthen our offering considerably. The digitalization of the Healthcare sector increases demands on all parties involved. Qurit currently has the privilege of engaging in multiple strategically important customer projects within the pharmaceutical and E-Health sector. Presently we have excellent knowledge of how to realize business needs through cost-effective IT solutions but lack the deep knowledge that Omegapoint has in the field of e.g. security. Qurit also has limited capacity with an office to far from our key customers in Stockholm. Omegapoint is the perfect partner for Qurit as it creates a platform for jointly providing all stakeholders in the Healthcare eco-system with leading services and expertise." Says Patrik Lannergård, CEO and co-founder of Qurit AB.

Qurit AB will continue to be operated as a subsidiary of Omegapoint Group AB. Qurit's CEO Patrik Lannergård will join the Group Management of Omegapoint Group AB.

For further information please contact

Johan Malmliden

President and CEO

Omegapoint Group AB

E-mail johan.malmliden@omegapoint.se

Mobil +46 (0) 709 158 833

Thomas Ahlerup

Vice President Communications

Omegapoint Group AB

E-mail: thomas.ahlerup@omegapoint.se

Mobil +46–768 966 300

Please visit us at www.omegapoint.se

About Omegapoint Group AB

Omegapoint Group AB is expert consultants in information security and secure application development as well as a leading provider of Cyber Security solutions. Omegapoint was founded in 2001 and 60 percent of the company is owned by of the staff and 40 percent is owned by Private Equite company PRIVEQ.

Omegapoint is a leading supplier to Nordic companies and organizations in industries such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, banking and finance, insurance, media, telecom and automotive. Omegapoint also works with strategic assignments in governmental organizations and defense.

We help our customers digitize their business operations and to rapidly develop secure and efficient systems, processes and business. Omegapoint create the most and best value in projects where technology develops business and where system development and security meets.

Omegapoint had sales of MSEK 351.4 during 2017 and operating profit before goodwill amortization (EBITA) was MSEK 31.9.

Omegapoint has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå and employs approximately 300 people.

Visit us at: www.omegapoint.se

LinkedIn: Omegapoint Group AB

Om Qurit AB

Qurit AB was founded in Uppsala in 2011 by six people who previously worked together in different roles. The common denominator was that all the founders worked for a long-time with IT solutions in the pharmaceutical sector.

A common scenario that many of the industry's customers encountered was where they were stuck with a standard system that could not be further developed over time. The company that supplied the system often lost interest in the customer as soon as the system became operational.

This was the starting point when launching an IT consulting company who would be a leader in IT-related issues within the pharmaceutical and e-health market. In addition, the objective was to provide an efficient organization where the customer and the project are in focus, and where methods and tools are continually re-evaluated

Please visit Qurit AB: https://www.qurit.se/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qurit/

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Om Omegapoint Group AB

Omegapoint Group AB är expertkonsulter inom informationssäkerhet och säker applikationsutveckling samt en ledande leverantör av Cyber Security-lösningar. Omegapoint grundades 2001 och ägs till 60 procent av personalen och till 40 procent av riskkapitalföretaget PRIVEQ.

Omegapoint är en ledande leverantör till nordiska företag och organisationer i främst branscher som sjukvård, läkemedel, bank och finans, försäkring, media, telekom och fordonsindustri. Omegapoint arbetar dessutom med strategiska uppdrag inom statliga organisationer och för försvarssektorn.

Vi hjälper våra kunder med digitalisering av deras affärsverksamhet och att snabbt utveckla säkra och effektiva system, processer och affärer. Omegapoint gör mest nytta där tekniken utvecklar affärsverksamheten och där systemutveckling och säkerhet möts.

Omegapoint omsatte 351,4 MSEK under 2017 och rörelseresultatet före goodwillavskrivning var 31,9 MSEK.

Omegapoint har kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Umeå och sysselsätter ca 300 personer.

Besök oss gärna på: www.omegapoint.se


Johan Malmliden

Johan Malmliden

Presskontakt Koncernchef 08-545 106 90
Clara Livh

Clara Livh

Presskontakt Chief marketing officer +46706849534

Relaterat innehåll

Omegapoint grundades 2001 och är idag Norra Europas ledande konsultbolag inom cybersäker digitalisering. Med en vision om en framtid där vi fullt ut kan lita på teknik använder Omegapoint sin expertis för att utveckla och skydda sina kunders verksamheter.

Vi är vassa och snälla, något som karaktäriseras av vår kompetensutvecklingskultur och viljan att dela vår kunskap med varandra. Vi är för närvarande över 900 anställda konsulter i Stockholm, Oslo, Drammen, Köpenhamn, Göteborg, Malmö, Örebro, Västerås, Enköping, Uppsala och Umeå. Omegapoint grundades 2001 och ägs delvis av medarbetare, delvis av FSN Capital.

Omegapoint Group AB

Vasagatan 16
111 44 Stockholm