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OFFECCTs nya kollektion med hållbar design på ORGATEC 2012

OFFECCTs nya kollektion med hållbar design på ORGATEC 2012

Vid årets upplaga av möbelmässan ORGATEC i Köln presenterar det svenska designföretaget Offecct sin nya kollektion av designmöbler för 2012. Inom ramen för Offeccts kollektion för 2012 finns produkter formgivna av designers som Khodi Feiz, Richard Hutten, Läufer + Keichel, Patrick Norguet, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Ineke Hans, Mario Ruiz, Broberg & Ridderstråle samt Louise Hederström.

LITE – en attraktiv, innovativ och rationell stapelbar stol från OFFECCT

LITE – en attraktiv, innovativ och rationell stapelbar stol från OFFECCT

Vid årets upplaga av möbelmässan ORGATEC i Köln presenterar OFFECCT den stapelbara stolen/karmstolen LITE formgiven av Broberg & Ridderstråle Design & Architecture. LITE är resultatet av en design brief från OFFECCTs sida där uppdraget var att ta fram en stapelbar stol som kombinerade en tilltalande estetik med en rationell funktion och konstruktion.

Good design inspire and encourage creativity. This is sometimes felt rather than seen, like through a comfortable position in a furniture, or in a perfect acoustic environment.

Offecct started with a vision to create the meeting places of the future, where beauty and innovation go hand in hand with functionality. While our origin is Swedish, the philosophy has always been borderless and characterised by an international perspective on Scandinavian design. This is why we collaborate with the world’s most creative architects and designers. Together we affect spaces. We explore ideas that are innovative and push concepts of work – balancing the radical and the functional.
Spaces in which you work and socialise flow between the analog and digital realms. This experience should be as easy and frictionless as possible. We develop our collection with this in mind. And to make sure that our clients get the assistance they need to complete their vision, we are committed to find solutions. A free service is activated once you make a purchase from us. It means that we are there for you to help develop and execute proposals based on our extensive collection, in a knowledgeable and professional way.


Drammenveien 145 Oslo