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Offecct News 2018 - Contour by Thomas Sandell

​Offecct continues to strengthen its position internationally. Historic designers contribute with design to the meeting places of tomorrow.

During the last three decades Offecct has collaborated with leading designers and architect from around the world in order to create furniture that reflects and meet changing demands, especially at social meeting places. The News of 2018 includes even more inspiration from the past, Offecct is amongst others introducing design furniture by two legends - Frank Lloyd Wright and Sven Markelius.

Offecct News 2018 - Jin chair by Jin Kuramoto

​A light, strong and bio-based chair by Jin Kuramoto for Offecct.

The Jin chair garnered a great deal of attention when it, as a prototype under development in Offecct Lab, was exhibited at the Salone del Mobile in Milan in 2017. Now it is part of Offecct's range presented in biobased Flax Fibre, and an upholstered version is being planned 2018.

Offecct vinnare av Industripriset 2017. Fr v Maria Ragnarsson, Operations and Management och Kurt Tingdal, CEO och grundare av Offecct AB.

Designföretaget Offecct vinnare av Industripriset Skaraborg 2017.

Offecct AB tilldelades under torsdagskvällen Industripriset Skaraborg 2017. Juryns motivering löd ”Vinnaren av Industripriset 2017 har genom ständig kompetensutveckling och systematiska investeringar i sin personal, visat att det med modigt och nytänkande entreprenörskap är möjligt att nå framgång i en mogen bransch på en global marknad”.

OFFECCT ReUsed – en e-butik för hållbarhet och tidlös design

OFFECCT ReUsed – en e-butik för hållbarhet och tidlös design

Som ett led i Offeccts hållbarhetsarbete lanseras nu OFFECCT ReUsed, en onlinebutik för försäljning av nästan nya designmöbler. I ReUsed-sortimentet ryms nästan nya designmöbler som bytts in från en aktsam kund, ställts ut på en mässa, blivit fotograferade i en studio eller varit utlånade. Mer information om OFFECCT ReUsed och det aktuella ReUsed-utbudet finns på

OFFECCT LifeCircle™ ger möbler längre liv

OFFECCT LifeCircle™ ger möbler längre liv

Offecct har tagit ytterligare ett steg för att ge sina produkter en ökad livslängd. Konceptet OFFECCT LifeCircle™ är inte bara en tjänst, utan ett sätt att se på företagets produkter i förhållandet till hur brukaren köper och använder dem dagligen. Det skapar ett ökat intresse för en andrahandsmarknad och bidrar till att skapa ett kretslopp kring möbler och inredning.

Good design inspire and encourage creativity. This is sometimes felt rather than seen, like through a comfortable position in a furniture, or in a perfect acoustic environment.

Offecct started with a vision to create the meeting places of the future, where beauty and innovation go hand in hand with functionality. While our origin is Swedish, the philosophy has always been borderless and characterised by an international perspective on Scandinavian design. This is why we collaborate with the world’s most creative architects and designers. Together we affect spaces. We explore ideas that are innovative and push concepts of work – balancing the radical and the functional.
Spaces in which you work and socialise flow between the analog and digital realms. This experience should be as easy and frictionless as possible. We develop our collection with this in mind. And to make sure that our clients get the assistance they need to complete their vision, we are committed to find solutions. A free service is activated once you make a purchase from us. It means that we are there for you to help develop and execute proposals based on our extensive collection, in a knowledgeable and professional way.


Drammenveien 145 Oslo