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Dune designed by Front for Offecct
Dune designed by Front for Offecct

Press release -

​Dune by Front – a new seating typology sweeps into the furniture landscape

Dune, designed by pioneering Swedish design studio Front for Offecct, offers an exciting new response to the constantly changing needs of our work places and public spaces. Dune has been developed for the spheres where the need for informal meetings intersects with the demand for relaxed seating.

”Dune is so airy it almost appears to levitate”, says designer Anna Lindgren, one of the members of Front. ”We’re really satisfied with the lightness of Dune. This is, after all, a large piece of furniture that easily can seat up to eight people”.

Despite being so delicate, Dune stands firmly on the ground. Its legs not only support the asymmetrical seat, they also rise above it to hold four table tops that are all equipped with the latest generation usb-sockets.

”Dune is an oasis that comes to life when it is used”, says Anders Englund, design manager at Offecct answering his own rhetorical question what this new furniture typology from Offecct Lab is. In Offecct Lab designers collaborate with Offecct to research new materials, products and an aesthetic that can meet the demands on a segment of the furniture market that is undergoing constant change. This work is a natural and important part of our Lifecircle philosophy.

Dune is the long awaited continuation of a collaboration between Front and Offecct that began with Green Pedestals, which were launched in 2011.

About Front
Sofia Lagerkvist and Anna Lindgren are the members of the Swedish design group Front. Their works are based on common discussions, explorations and experiments and they collaborate in all projects from initial ideas to the final product. Front’s design objects often communicate a story to the observer about the design process, about the material it is made of or about conventions within the design field. They have made a constantly changing interior, created objects with explosions, robotic furniture and a range of furniture inspired by their fascination with magic."

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Offecct AB is a Swedish entrepreneur-led company with its headquarters and production in Tibro, Sweden. The company was founded in 1990 by Kurt Tingdal (CEO) and Anders Englund (Design Manager). They are both still actively involved in the company. The Group has 80 employees and had sales of SEK 150 million. Half of sales comprise exports to more than 50 countries. Our business is run in our own premises which have a total area of around 20,000 m2. The company has showrooms in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Tibro (Sweden), Oslo (Norway) and Milan (Italy).

For more information, please contact:
PR manager Maria Ragnarsson, +46(0)70-585 27 82,
PR support & images Sanna Rosell, +46 (0)70-872 02 15,


Maria Olofsson Karemyr

Maria Olofsson Karemyr

Press contact Brand Manager +46 701 49 10 81

The Offecct collection enable the creation of interiors that stimulate creativity and communication between people.

As Offecct is a design company, the highest level of design in every detail is the basis of our operation. To us it´s not enough to launch another chair or sofa into the market. We want to add other qualities in addition to aesthetics with every new product that we releases. This ambition is the core of the Offecct Lifecircle philosophy.

Our passion lies in developing design for meetings between people. Our craftsmen and women, raised in a strong local furniture-making tradition, collaborate with leading international designers to create solutions that inspire creative discussions and stimulate the sharing of thoughts and ideas.

We are also convinced that we can and must have a positive impact on the world around us. This is why it is only natural for us to be sustainable in everything we do – environmentally, socially and financially. We call our philosophy Offecct Lifecircle.


543 21 Tibro