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OFFECCTPriset 2011

OFFECCTPriset 2011

Event date 22 June 2011 18:00 – 18:00

Location Priset delas ut i OFFECCTs showroom på Torsgatan 13, Stockholm, den 22 juni kl 18-20

Den 22 juni presenterar OFFECCT vinnaren av OFFECCT-priset som instiftats i syfte att belöna en ung lovande arkitektstudent vid Arkitekturskolan, KTH, som en del i OFFECCTs ambition att främja nästa generations arkitekter. Vinnaren av OFFECCT-priset utses av en jury bestående av Thomas Sandell, arkitekt, sandellsandberg, juryns ordförande; Jannice Johansson, arkitekt, Tengbom; Mark Isitt, arkitekturskribent; Anna Pang, arkitekt/lärare, KTH samt Patrik Persson, Sales Manager, OFFECCT. Nominerade till 2011 års pris är: Rebecca Edwards Mannheimer; projekt: ”Mammabarnanstalt Sagsjön” Fabian Nyström; projekt: ”Det som plötsligt realiseras! En studie i stadsplanering på Södermalm” Valentina Soana; projekt: ”Ornamental Hypertrophy” Kelda Bryson-Swartz; projekt: ”Non Stop Kids, an all hour kindergarten” Liisa Gunnarsson, projekt; ”Place Lalla Yeddouna”



Maria Olofsson Karemyr

Maria Olofsson Karemyr

Press contact Brand Manager +46 701 49 10 81

The Offecct collection enable the creation of interiors that stimulate creativity and communication between people.

As Offecct is a design company, the highest level of design in every detail is the basis of our operation. To us it´s not enough to launch another chair or sofa into the market. We want to add other qualities in addition to aesthetics with every new product that we releases. This ambition is the core of the Offecct Lifecircle philosophy.

Our passion lies in developing design for meetings between people. Our craftsmen and women, raised in a strong local furniture-making tradition, collaborate with leading international designers to create solutions that inspire creative discussions and stimulate the sharing of thoughts and ideas.

We are also convinced that we can and must have a positive impact on the world around us. This is why it is only natural for us to be sustainable in everything we do – environmentally, socially and financially. We call our philosophy Offecct Lifecircle.


543 21 Tibro