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ASTRO 2022 – nya data på Tumor Treating Fields med nya strålbehandlingar och målriktade terapier

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ASTRO 2022 – nya data på Tumor Treating Fields med nya strålbehandlingar och målriktade terapier

På nyligen avslutade American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2022 Annual Meeting handlade inte mindre än elva presentationer om Tumor Treating Fields. En av de mer uppmärksammade var en analys av prediktiva biomarkörer för överlevnad hos patienter med nydiagnostiserat glioblastom. Därutöver presenterades pre-klinisk forskning som visar potentialen för förbättrad tumörkontroll när TTFields används med PULSAR vid glioblastom, PARP-hämmare vid ovarialcancer respektive PI3K-hämmare vid icke-småcellig lungcancer, GBM och ovarialcancer.

Se länkar till abstracts nedan eller i International Journal of Radiation Oncology•Biology•Physics ASTRO Annual Meeting Proceedings.

11 poster presentations on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) were featured at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2022 Annual Meeting from Oct. 23 to Oct. 26 in San Antonio, Texas. Presentations include three investigator-led clinical studies, six pre-clinical studies and two dose-determining studies. Data reflect continued interest in Novocure’s proprietary TTFields platform within the radiation oncology community.

TTFields are electric fields that exert physical forces to kill cancer cells via a variety of mechanisms. TTFields therapy has multiple mechanisms of action that can impact cancer cell division, disrupt cancer cell DNA damage repair, promote anti-cancer immunity, and interfere with cancer cell motility, making cancer cells more susceptible to different therapeutics.

New research includes positive results from a pre-clinical evaluation of personalized ultra-fractionated stereotactic adaptive radiotherapy (PULSAR) with TTFields resulting in delays in tumor growth. Other pre-clinical research showed positive outcomes demonstrating that use of TTFields concurrently with other novel targeted therapies, such as PI3K and PARP inhibitors, has the potential for a therapeutic advantage. Clinical trials continue to investigate biomarkers predictive for survival in newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM).

“We are encouraged by the data in GBM, ovarian cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, demonstrating the effects of Tumor Treating Fields in some of the most difficult to treat solid tumors where patients have limited treatment options,” said Frank Leonard, President of Novocure’s U.S. CNS (central nervous system) Cancers Franchise. “This research supports the growth of Novocure’s pipeline beyond GBM and shows the promise of our technology when used together with novel radiotherapies and targeted therapies.”

The following was presented at the ASTRO 2022 Annual Meeting:

Chemoradiation treatment with or without concurrent Tumor-Treating Fields (TTFields) in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM). Lead author and presenter: Louis Cappelli.

Molecular markers impacting survival in patients receiving concurrent chemoradiation and Tumor-Treating Fields (TTF) in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: secondary analysis of SPARE trial. Lead author and presenter: Louis Cappelli.

A propensity-matched study to evaluate PTEN and TP53 mutations as predictive biomarkers of survival in newly diagnosed IDH-wildtype glioblastoma after Tumor Treating Fields. Lead author and presenter: James S. Cordova.

Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) enhance the efficacy of temozolomide and lomustine in glioblastoma cell lines. Lead author: Hila Fishman. Presenter: Moshe Giladi.

Enhancing cancer cell membrane permeability by application of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). Lead author: Bella Koltun. Presenter: Moshe Giladi.

Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) delivery to macrophages promotes a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Lead author: Yiftah Barsheshet. Presenter: Moshe Giladi.

Preclinical evaluation of Tumor Treating Fields Combined with Personalized Ultra-Fractionated Stereotactic Adaptive Radiotherapy (PULSAR). Lead author: N.K. Karanam. Presenter: Michael D. Story

Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) concomitant with PARP inhibitors for treatment of ovarian cancer cell lines. Lead author: Antonia Martinez-Conde. Presenter: Moshe Giladi.

PI3K Inhibition sensitized cancerous cells to Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). Lead author: Anat Klein-Goldberg. Presenter: Moshe Giladi.

Examining array layouts for targeting a single lung with TTFields. Lead author and presenter: Ariel Naveh.

Sensitivity of TTFields dose distribution in the lungs to the deviations in array placement. Lead author and presenter: Ariel Naveh.

Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) are electric fields that exert physical forces to kill cancer cells via a variety of mechanisms. TTFields do not significantly affect healthy cells because they have different properties (including division rate, morphology, and electrical properties) than cancer cells. The multiple, distinct mechanisms of TTFields therapy work together to selectively target and kill cancer cells. Due to its multi-mechanistic actions, TTFields therapy can be added to cancer treatment modalities in approved indications and demonstrates enhanced effects across solid tumor types when used with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibition, or PARP inhibition in preclinical models. TTFields therapy provides clinical versatility that has the potential to help address treatment challenges across a range of solid tumors. To learn more about Tumor Treating Fields therapy and its multifaceted effect on cancer cells, visit tumortreatingfieldstherapy.com.

Novocure is a global oncology company working to extend survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer through the development and commercialization of its innovative therapy, Tumor Treating Fields. Novocure’s commercialized products are approved in certain countries for the treatment of adult patients with glioblastoma and malignant pleural mesothelioma. Novocure has ongoing or completed clinical studies investigating Tumor Treating Fields in brain metastases, gastric cancer, glioblastoma, liver cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer.

Headquartered in Root, Switzerland and with a growing global footprint, Novocure has regional operating centers in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Tokyo, as well as a research center in Haifa, Israel. For additional information about the company, please visit Novocure.com and follow @Novocure on LinkedIn and Twitter.

In addition to historical facts or statements of current condition, this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements provide Novocure’s current expectations or forecasts of future events. These may include statements regarding anticipated scientific progress on its research programs, clinical study progress, development of potential products, interpretation of clinical results, prospects for regulatory approval, manufacturing development and capabilities, market prospects for its products, coverage, collections from third-party payers and other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts. You may identify some of these forward-looking statements by the use of words in the statements such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe” or other words and terms of similar meaning. Novocure’s performance and financial results could differ materially from those reflected in these forward-looking statements due to general financial, economic, environmental, regulatory and political conditions as well as issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and other more specific risks and uncertainties facing Novocure such as those set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 24, 2022, as amended to date, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Given these risks and uncertainties, any or all of these forward-looking statements may prove to be incorrect. Therefore, you should not rely on any such factors or forward-looking statements. Furthermore, Novocure does not intend to update publicly any forward-looking statement, except as required by law. Any forward-looking statements herein speak only as of the date hereof. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 permits this discussion.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221021005493/en/

Ingrid Goldberg

Leigh Labrie



Novocure är ett onkologiföretag som utvecklar Optune, en behandling som angriper tumörer med Tumor Treating Fields, TTFields. Optume verkar genom elektriska fält som ställs in på specifika frekvenser för att förhindra celldelning i solida tumörer. Optune är idag godkänd för behandling av vuxna patienter med glioblastom. Kliniska prövningar utvärderar Optune vid behandling av hjärnmetastaser, icke-småcellig lungcancer, bukspottkörtelcancer, ovarialcancer och mesoteliom.
Novocure har sin huvudsakliga verksamhet i USA och har kontor i Tyskland, Schweiz, Japan, Israel och Sverige. För ytterligare information om företaget, besök www.novocure.com eller www.twitter.com/novocure.


Magnus Jörlin

Magnus Jörlin

Presskontakt General Manager Nordics +46 70 45 49 335

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Novocure är ett onkologiföretag som utvecklar Optune, en behandling som angriper tumörer med Tumor Treating Fields, TTFields. Optume verkar genom elektriska fält som ställs in på specifika frekvenser för att förhindra celldelning i solida tumörer. Optune är idag godkänd för behandling av vuxna patienter med glioblastom. Kliniska prövningar utvärderar Optune vid behandling av hjärnmetastaser, icke-småcellig lungcancer, bukspottkörtelcancer, ovarialcancer och mesoteliom.
Novocure har sin huvudsakliga verksamhet i USA och har kontor i Tyskland, Schweiz, Japan, Israel och Sverige. För ytterligare information om företaget, besök www.novocure.com eller www.twitter.com/novocure.

Novocure Sverige

NVCR Sweden Filial, PO Box 809
101 36 Stockholm