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INVITATION: EDIT-A-THON on the theme of shoes, fashion and costume history at the Nordiska museet

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INVITATION: EDIT-A-THON on the theme of shoes, fashion and costume history at the Nordiska museet

The Nordiska museet, the Centre for Fashion Studies at Stockholm University, Wikimedia Sverige, Europeana and Europeana Fashion hereby invite you who is a student, a fashion blogger or works with fashion or costumes at a museum in the Stockholm area to an

EDIT-A-THON on the theme of shoes, fashion and costume history

12 November 2013 8.00 AM - 4.00 PM.
Location: Fatburen, Nordiska museet, Djurgårdsvägen 6-16
Entrance: The North entrance, facing Strandvägen


On Tuesday November 12, 2013, Nordiska museet and the Centre of Fashion Studies at the University of Stockholm, two out of 22 partners of the Europeana Fashion project will co-organize a fashion edit-a-thon together with Wikimedia Sverige and Europeana. The edit-a-thon is addressed to students, fashion bloggers or curators working with fashion or costumes. It is the second edit-a-thon at the museum and the fourth this year by the Europeana Fashion's partners.

The same week there will also be fashion edit-a-thons at Rossimoda Shoe museum in Italy and at the MINERVA conference in Israel and all participants in these events can take part in the Europeana Fashion Challenge and the most productive one will win a number of beautiful and informative reference books about fashion and textiles.
During the event participants will come together at the Nordiska museet to edit and contribute new information about fashion to Wikipedia using the digital collections shared by the Nordiska museet, Europeana and Europeana Fashion.

The goals of the edit-a-thon is to have educational institutions and the general public cooperate in order to improve and increase the presence of fashion related information on Wikipedia, currently underrepresented on the world's largest encyclopedia and to use the donated content from the museums.

The theme for the edit-a-thon this time is primarily shoes, but also fashion, folk costume history and casual wear through the last centuries. The participants will have the chance to engage with the museum staff and enjoy the beautiful and comprehensive library and the digital databases.
08.00-08.30: Registration and coffee/tea and Swedish cinnamon buns.
08.30: The Edit-a-thon starts and the hosts at the Nordiska museet wish everybody welcome and talk about the event and the photos, reference books and magazines that can be used.
08.40: Presentation – what is Europeana Fashion?
09.00: Inspiration Shoes - a retro slide show about shoes in the Nordiska museet’s collections with curator Helena Lindroth
09.30: How to edit on Wikipedia. Short presentation of Wikipedia by John Andersson, Wikimedia Sverige.
10.00:  The participants start writing articles. Practical support on how to edit is given by Wikimedia Sverige. Nordiska museet's staff will help participants finding source material.
13.00: Tour of your own choice - in the newly opened exhibition. For example the Power of Fashion, or in the newly opened exhibition Stripes, rhythm, direction. Audio-guides are available in some exhibits.
13.45: More writing!
15.00: End ceremony.
15.15-16.00: Mingle with softdrinks and snacks.
The presentations are given in English. Bring your own laptop – an open WIFInet is available.
If you can't participate the entire day it's perfectly fine to leave early and finish your articles at home.

Coffee and tea and snacks will be provided all day and vouchers for lunch are given that include Loka/lättöl, salad and coffee or tea. The lunch may be eaten anytime between 11.30 pm – 14.00 pm.

All edit-a-thon participants will have a 20% discount on literature about fashion and textile in the museum shop. Just show your name tag in the shop.

Do you want to attend?
Register here at the latest the 10th of November (the number of participants is limited).

As a journalist you are welcome to either join in or watch the event in parts or entirely.
Get your accreditation via lisa.ringsby@nordiskamuseet.se





Emma Reimfelt

Emma Reimfelt

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 08-519 545 59
Sofia Hiller

Sofia Hiller

Presskontakt Pressansvarig, Nordiska museet 08-519 545 18

Stiftelsen Nordiska museet

Nordiska museet berättar om livet i Norden genom 500 år med människan i fokus. I de omfattande samlingarna finns en och en halv miljon föremål, sex miljoner bilder och tusentals berättelser. Museet erbjuder utställningar och upplevelser, arkiv och bibliotek, restaurang, kafé och museibutik i den storslagna, ikoniska byggnaden vid Djurgårdsbron.
Nordiska museet äger och driver även de kulturhistoriska besöksmålen Julita gård och trädgårdar, Tyresö slott och park, Svindersvik sommarnöje och Härkeberga kaplansgård.