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RES signs MoU with Nordion Energi for pre-feasibility study of a Alby/Ljungaverk - Sundsvall pipeline

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RES signs MoU with Nordion Energi for pre-feasibility study of a Alby/Ljungaverk - Sundsvall pipeline

RES signs a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Nordion Energi for a mutual cooperation to perform a pre-feasibility study regarding the development, construction and operation of a pipeline between Alby/Ljungaverk and Sundsvall - enabling the transportation of green hydrogen throughout Sweden.

The MoU marks the beginning of a collaboration between RES, the world’s largest independent renewable energy company, and Nordion Energi, a leading developer of infrastructure and climate-neutral distribution of gas. The pre-feasibility study will examine the conditions for a possible hydrogen pipeline from Alby and Ljungaverk, where RES is currently developing two large scale hydrogen plants, to Sundsvall.

Alexandra Angelbratt, Head of Hydrogen at RES, commented: “Green hydrogen is a key factor in enabling the industry’s energy transition. RES are developing two plants in Ånge municipality, in Alby and Ljungaverk, which will be producing 100 000 tons of green hydrogen for different off takers yearly. Together with Nordion Energi we are now initiating a pre-feasibility study to investigate the opportunity of transporting hydrogen. We are proud and excited to work with Nordion Energi on this and possibly create needed infrastructure to accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen as a key player in the Nordic energy mix”.

Since a couple of years Nordion Energi has started the work of developing a new hydrogen pipeline infrastructure open for any hydrogen producer and consumer of hydrogen to connect to in the Nordic countries, initially in the northern part of Sweden.

Björn Santana Arvidsson, Head of Hydrogen at Nordion Energi, commented: “Nordion Energi is participating in several large scale hydrogen infrastructure-projects in the northern parts of Sweden. Increased use of hydrogen will be crucial for the transition towards a green industry and a sustainable transport sector – but today Sweden is lacking the infrastructure that is needed. Our pipelines are buried underground and therefore have minimal effect on nature. The gas can either be used immediately or stored for later consumption. Ånge municipality is ideally situated close to Sundsvall and the Baltic sea where many industries are situated. We are very happy to work together with RES, a well established renewable energy company within the region with a clear aim of increasing the production of green hydrogen in the energy mix.

The pre-feasibility study is set to begin immediately and will provide basic information as a foundation for future feasibility of a hydrogen pipeline from Alby and Ljungaverk to Sundsvall.

Alexandra Angelbratt, added: “We are deeply invested in providing clean energy for the increasing demand of the industry as well as the society. Collaborations such as this are important to ensure the seamless transport of hydrogen over long distances, unlocking its full potential as a versatile carrier of clean energy. Through the implementation of a pipeline RES and Nordion Energi will together contribute to a more resilient and sustainable energy system, offering a reliable and scalable solution for storing and transporting green hydrogen”.

Contact for further information

Alexandra Angelbratt, RES
E: alexandra.angelbratt@res-group.com
M: +46 73 515 99 83

Björn Santana Arvidsson, Norgion Energi
E: bjorn.arvidsson@nordionenergi.se
M: +46 76 088 57 17

About RES

RES is the world’s largest independent renewable energy company active in onshore and offshore wind, solar, energy storage, transmission and distribution and green hydrogen. At the forefront of the industry for over 40 years, RES has delivered more than 23GW of renewable energy projects across the globe and supports an operational asset portfolio exceeding 12GW worldwide for a large client base. Understanding the unique needs of corporate clients, RES has secured over 1.5GW of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) enabling access to energy at the lowest cost. RES employs over 2,500 people and is active in 14 countries. For further information about RES, visit www.res-group.com

About Nordion Energi

Nordion Energi specializes in energy infrastructure and is driven by a clear purpose; To be involved in driving the transition towards 100% green energy. Nordion Energi is the TSO (Transmission System Operator) for the Swedish gas grid and also owns and operates the country's largest gas distribution network as well as electricity grid operations.

Nordion Energi ensures that industries, municipalities, combined heat and power plants, households, filling stations and restaurants always get their energy in a sustainable and safe way.


Samhället befinner sig i förändring där klimatfrågan står i centrum. Nordion Energi är en ny koncern som har bildats för att vara med och driva omställningen mot 100% grön energi.

Idag har vi infrastruktur för gas och el och mer grön energi står högt på vår lista. Men vi vill mer än så. Vi satsar vår kraft på att skapa ett hållbart och flexibelt energisystem som är rustat för framtiden; där el, gas och värme samspelar.

Det råder ingen brist på förnybar energi. Utmaningen är att göra den tillgänglig - där den behövs, när det behövs och till ett konkurrenskraftigt pris. Det är här infrastrukturen spelar en avgörande roll.

Det är en spännande resa vi ska göra tillsammans med våra kunder och andra partners som har samma mål - 100% grön energi. 

Nordion Energi består av Swedegas och Weum som arbetar med infrastruktur och klimatneutral distribution av gas. I koncernen ingår också Falbygdens Energi som äger 226 mil elnät i och runt Falköping. Tillsammans har vi nästan 40 000 kunder inom industri, företag, energibolag, kommersiella fastigheter och privata hushåll.


Björn Santana Arvidsson

Björn Santana Arvidsson

Head of Hydrogen

Vi ger kraft åt ett samhälle i förändring

Nordion Energi består av Swedegas och Weum som arbetar med infrastruktur och klimatneutral distribution av gas. I koncernen ingår också Falbygdens Energi som äger 226 mil elnät i och runt Falköping. Tillsammans har vi nästan 40 000 kunder inom industri, företag, energibolag, kommersiella fastigheter och privata hushåll.

Nordion Energi

Riggaregatan 57
201 23 Malmö